Hyung-Suk Oh
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Cited by
Metal‐Doped Nitrogenated Carbon as an Efficient Catalyst for Direct CO2 Electroreduction to CO and Hydrocarbons
AS Varela, N Ranjbar Sahraie, J Steinberg, W Ju, HS Oh, P Strasser
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 (37), 10758-10762, 2015
Electrochemical Catalyst–Support Effects and Their Stabilizing Role for IrOx Nanoparticle Catalysts during the Oxygen Evolution Reaction
HS Oh, HN Nong, T Reier, A Bergmann, M Gliech, J Ferreira de Araújo, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (38), 12552-12563, 2016
A unique oxygen ligand environment facilitates water oxidation in hole-doped IrNiOx core–shell electrocatalysts
HN Nong, T Reier, HS Oh, M Gliech, P Paciok, THT Vu, D Teschner, ...
Nature Catalysis 1 (11), 841-851, 2018
Electrochemical Fragmentation of Cu2O Nanoparticles Enhancing Selective C–C Coupling from CO2 Reduction Reaction
H Jung, SY Lee, CW Lee, MK Cho, DH Won, C Kim, HS Oh, BK Min, ...
Journal of the American chemical society 141 (11), 4624-4633, 2019
Mixed Copper States in Anodized Cu Electrocatalyst for Stable and Selective Ethylene Production from CO2 Reduction
SY Lee, H Jung, NK Kim, HS Oh, BK Min, YJ Hwang
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (28), 8681-8689, 2018
Oxide‐Supported IrNiOx Core–Shell Particles as Efficient, Cost‐Effective, and Stable Catalysts for Electrochemical Water Splitting
HN Nong, HS Oh, T Reier, E Willinger, MG Willinger, V Petkov, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 (10), 2975-2979, 2015
Oxide-supported Ir nanodendrites with high activity and durability for the oxygen evolution reaction in acid PEM water electrolyzers
HS Oh, HN Nong, T Reier, M Gliech, P Strasser
Chemical Science 6 (6), 3321-3328, 2015
General technoeconomic analysis for electrochemical coproduction coupling carbon dioxide reduction with organic oxidation
J Na, B Seo, J Kim, CW Lee, H Lee, YJ Hwang, BK Min, DK Lee, HS Oh, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5193, 2019
Electrode reconstruction strategy for oxygen evolution reaction: maintaining Fe-CoOOH phase with intermediate-spin state during electrolysis
WH Lee, MH Han, YJ Ko, BK Min, KH Chae, HS Oh
Nature communications 13 (1), 605, 2022
ACS Sustainable Chem
DLT Nguyen, MS Jee, DH Won, H Jung, HS Oh, BK Min, YJ Hwang
Eng 5, 11377-11386, 2017
2022 roadmap on low temperature electrochemical CO2 reduction
IEL Stephens, K Chan, A Bagger, SW Boettcher, J Bonin, E Boutin, ...
Journal of Physics: Energy 4 (4), 042003, 2022
Preparation of Mesoporous Sb‐, F‐, and In‐Doped SnO2 Bulk Powder with High Surface Area for Use as Catalyst Supports in Electrolytic Cells
HS Oh, HN Nong, P Strasser
Advanced Functional Materials 25 (7), 1074-1081, 2015
Investigation of carbon-supported Pt nanocatalyst preparation by the polyol process for fuel cell applications
HS Oh, JG Oh, YG Hong, H Kim
Electrochimica Acta 52 (25), 7278-7285, 2007
Selective electrochemical reduction of nitric oxide to hydroxylamine by atomically dispersed iron catalyst
DH Kim, S Ringe, H Kim, S Kim, B Kim, G Bae, HS Oh, F Jaouen, W Kim, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1856, 2021
Effect of operating conditions on carbon corrosion in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
KH Lim, HS Oh, SE Jang, YJ Ko, HJ Kim, H Kim
Journal of Power Sources 193 (2), 575-579, 2009
Selective CO2 Reduction on Zinc Electrocatalyst: The Effect of Zinc Oxidation State Induced by Pretreatment Environment
DLT Nguyen, MS Jee, DH Won, H Jung, HS Oh, BK Min, YJ Hwang
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 5 (12), 11377-11386, 2017
Carbon-supported, nano-structured, manganese oxide composite electrode for electrochemical supercapacitor
RK Sharma, HS Oh, YG Shul, H Kim
Journal of Power Sources 173 (2), 1024-1028, 2007
Identification of Single-Atom Ni Site Active toward Electrochemical CO2 Conversion to CO
H Kim, D Shin, W Yang, DH Won, HS Oh, MW Chung, D Jeong, SH Kim, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (2), 925-933, 2021
Nanocatalyst design for long‐term operation of proton/anion exchange membrane water electrolysis
H Jin, B Ruqia, Y Park, HJ Kim, HS Oh, SI Choi, K Lee
Advanced Energy Materials 11 (4), 2003188, 2021
Activation of a Ni electrocatalyst through spontaneous transformation of nickel sulfide to nickel hydroxide in an oxygen evolution reaction
M Lee, HS Oh, MK Cho, JP Ahn, YJ Hwang, BK Min
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 233, 130-135, 2018
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Articles 1–20