Darius Coelho
Darius Coelho
Research Assistant Professor, Stony Brook University
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Infomages: Embedding data into thematic images
D Coelho, K Mueller
Computer Graphics Forum 39 (3), 593-606, 2020
PeckVis: A Visual Analytics Tool to Analyze Dominance Hierarchies in Small Groups
D Coelho, I Chase, K Mueller
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 26 (4), 1650 - 1660, 2020
Networks never rest: an investigation of network evolution in three species of animals
ID Chase, D Coelho, W Lee, K Mueller, JP Curley
Social Networks 68, 356-373, 2022
A virtual reality grocery shopping game to improve awareness for healthy foods in young adults
K Jayachandran, S Chilakamarri, D Coelho, K Mueller
2017 13th International Conference and Expo on Emerging Technologies for a …, 2017
Cluster appearance glyphs: A methodology for illustrating high-dimensional data patterns in 2-d data layouts
JH Lee, D Coelho, K Mueller
Information 13 (1), 3, 2021
Examining the Visualization Practices of Data Scientists on Kaggle
MN Hoque, D Coelho, K Mueller
IEEE Visualization, 2019. VIS 2019, 2019
Data Memes for Personal Visualization
D Coelho, A Kumar, K Mueller
WhereAmI: Energy efficient positioning using partial textual signatures
QD Vo, D Coelho, K Mueller, P De
2015 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services, 9-16, 2015
Collaborative Visual Analytics Using Blockchain
D Coelho, R Trailor, D Sill, S Engle, A Joshi, S Mankovskii, M Velez-Rojas, ...
Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering: 17th International …, 2020
Breast and prostate cancer expression similarity analysis by iterative SVM based ensemble gene selection
D Coelho, L Sael
Proceedings of the 7th international workshop on Data and text mining in …, 2013
Patterns of Social Vulnerability–An Interactive Dashboard to Explore Risks to Public Health on the US County Level
D Coelho, N Gupta, E Papenhausen, K Mueller
Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC, jointly held with AMIA), 2022
Smartphone based approximate localization using user highlighted texts from images
T Im, D Coelho, K Mueller, P De
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 46, 1-17, 2018
Google Glass for Personalized Augmentations of Data Visualizations
D Zhang, D Coelho, K Mueller
IEEE Visualization, 2016. VIS 2016, 2016
TaskFinder: A Semantics-Based Methodology for Visualization Task Recommendation
D Coelho, B Ghai, A Krishna, M Velez-Rojas, S Greenspan, S Mankovski, ...
Analytics 3 (3), 255-275, 2024
Can LLMs Generate Visualizations with Dataless Prompts?
D Coelho, H Barot, N Rathod, K Mueller
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.17805, 2024
Methodologies and Implementations to Enable General Participation in Visualization
D Coelho
State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2021
Eating with a Conscience: Toward a Visual and Contextual Nutrition Facts Label
D Coelho, H He, M Baduk, K Mueller
OSF Preprints, 2020
A study of sparse detector designs with interpolation for multi-slice spiral CT
D Coelho, K Mueller
2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC …, 2015
MemViz: A Tool for Creating Memorable Visualizations
D Coelho, S Ha, S Cheng, S Mahmood, J Kim, K Mueller
IEEE Visualization, 2014. VIS 2014, 2014
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Articles 1–19