Телегин, Андрей Владимирович (AV Telegin)
Телегин, Андрей Владимирович (AV Telegin)
M.N. Miheev Institute of Metal Physics UB of RAS
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Cited by
Excitation of coherent propagating spin waves by pure spin currents
VE Demidov, S Urazhdin, R Liu, B Divinskiy, A Telegin, SO Demokritov
Nature communications 7 (1), 10446, 2016
The influence of magnetic and electronic inhomogeneities on magnetotransmission and magnetoresistance of La0. 67Sr0. 33MnO3 films
YP Sukhorukov, AP Nosov, NN Loshkareva, EV Mostovshchikova, ...
Journal of applied physics 97 (10), 2005
Nanocomposites of medicobiologic destination: reality and perspectives for oncology. Review
PP Gorbyk, VF Chekhun
Functional materials, 2012
Giant magnetorefractive effect in La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 films
AB Granovskii, YP Sukhorukov, AV Telegin, VD Bessonov, EA Gan’Shina, ...
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 112, 77-86, 2011
Двумерные световые пули в массиве углеродных нанотрубок
МБ Белоненко, НГ Лебедев, АС Попов
Письма в Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики 91 (9), 506-510, 2010
Giant magnetotransmission and magnetoreflection in ferromagnetic materials
AV Telegin, YP Sukhorukov, NN Loshkareva, EV Mostovshchikova, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 383, 104-109, 2015
Strain-magneto-optics of a magnetostrictive ferrimagnetic CoFe2O4
YP Sukhorukov, AV Telegin, NG Bebenin, AP Nosov, VD Bessonov, ...
Solid State Communications 263, 27-30, 2017
Terahertz magneto-optics in the ferromagnetic semiconductor HgCdCr2Se4
TJ Huisman, RV Mikhaylovskiy, AV Telegin, YP Sukhorukov, ...
Applied Physics Letters 106 (13), 2015
Optical and magneto-optical properties of nanostructured yttrium iron garnet
BA Gizhevskiĭ, YP Sukhorukov, EA Gan’Shina, NN Loshkareva, ...
Physics of the solid state 51, 1836-1842, 2009
Effect of isovalent doping of manganite (La1−x Prx)0.7Ca0.3MnO3 films (0≤x≤1) on their optical, magnetooptical, and transport properties near the metal …
YP Sukhorukov, NN Loshkareva, EA Gan’shina, AR Kaul’, OY Gorbenko, ...
Physics of the Solid State 46, 1241-1251, 2004
IR radiation modulator based on the effect of magnetotransmission in lanthanum manganite operating near room temperature
YP Sukhorukov, NN Loshkareva, AV Telegin, EV Mostovshchikova, ...
Technical Physics Letters 29, 904-906, 2003
Magnetorefractive effect in the La1− xKxMnO3 thin films grown by MOCVD
YP Sukhorukov, AV Telegin, VD Bessonov, EA Gan’shina, IE Korsakov, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 367, 53-59, 2014
Magnetic semiconductors as materials for spintronics
A Telegin, Y Sukhorukov
Magnetochemistry 8 (12), 173, 2022
Magnetorefractive effect in magnetoresistive materials
A Granovsky, Y Sukhorukov, E Gan’shina, A Telegin
Magnetophotonics: From Theory to Applications, 107-133, 2013
The evolution of magneto-transport and magneto-optical properties of thin La0. 8Ag0. 1MnO3+ δ films possessing the in-plane variant structure as a function of the film thickness
OV Melnikov, YP Sukhorukov, AV Telegin, EA Gan’shina, NN Loshkareva, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18 (15), 3753, 2006
Magnetorefractive effect in La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 in the infrared spectral range
YP Sukhorukov, AV Telegin, AB Granovskii, EA Gan’shina, SV Naumov, ...
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 111, 355-362, 2010
Magnetooptical response to tunnel magnetoresistance in manganite films with a variant structure
AV Telegin, S Barsaume, VA Bessonova, YP Sukhorukov, AP Nosov, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 459, 317-321, 2018
Magnetorefractive effect in manganites with a colossal magnetoresistance in the visible spectral region
YP Sukhorukov, AV Telegin, AB Granovsky, EA Gan’shina, A Zhukov, ...
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 114, 141-149, 2012
Universal behavior of magnetocaloric effect in a layered perovskite La1. 2Sr1. 8Mn2O7 single crystal
TD Thanh, TV Manh, TA Ho, A Telegin, TL Phan, SC Yu
Physica B: Condensed Matter 486, 7-11, 2016
Влияние изовалентного легирования пленок манганитов (La1− xPrx) 0. 7Ca0. 3MnO3 (0≤ x≤ 1) на оптические, магнитооптические и транспортные свойства вблизи перехода металл–изолятор
ЮП Сухоруков, НН Лошкарева, ЕА Ганьшина, АР Кауль, ОЮ Горбенко, ...
Физика твердого тела 46 (7), 1203-1213, 2004
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Articles 1–20