Kostas Eleftheratos
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Cited by
Three-year ground based measurements of aerosol optical depth over the Eastern Mediterranean: the urban environment of Athens
E Gerasopoulos, V Amiridis, S Kazadzis, P Kokkalis, K Eleftheratos, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (5), 2145-2159, 2011
Evidence of impact of aviation on cirrus cloud formation
CS Zerefos, K Eleftheratos, DS Balis, P Zanis, G Tselioudis, C Meleti
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3 (5), 1633-1644, 2003
A review of various strategies for contrail avoidance
KM Gierens, L Lim, K Eleftheratos
Open Atmospheric Science Journal 2, 1-7, 2008
Impact of the 2009 Attica wild fires on the air quality in urban Athens
V Amiridis, C Zerefos, S Kazadzis, E Gerasopoulos, K Eleftheratos, ...
Atmospheric Environment 46, 536-544, 2012
Evidence of gravity waves into the atmosphere during the March 2006 total solar eclipse
CS Zerefos, E Gerasopoulos, I Tsagouri, BE Psiloglou, A Belehaki, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7 (18), 4943-4951, 2007
Overview of the O3M SAF GOME-2 operational atmospheric composition and UV radiation data products and data availability
S Hassinen, D Balis, H Bauer, M Begoin, A Delcloo, K Eleftheratos, ...
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 9 (2), 383-407, 2016
Evidence of a possible turning point in solar UV-B over Canada, Europe and Japan
CS Zerefos, K Tourpali, K Eleftheratos, S Kazadzis, C Meleti, U Feister, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (5), 2469-2477, 2012
Further evidence of important environmental information content in red-to-green ratios as depicted in paintings by great masters
CS Zerefos, P Tetsis, A Kazantzidis, V Amiridis, SC Zerefos, J Luterbacher, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14 (6), 2987-3015, 2014
Atmospheric ozone and methane in a changing climate
ISA Isaksen, TK Berntsen, SB Dalsøren, K Eleftheratos, Y Orsolini, ...
Atmosphere 5 (3), 518-535, 2014
Solar dimming and brightening over Thessaloniki, Greece, and Beijing, China
CS Zerefos1, 2, 3, 6, K Eleftheratos, C Meleti, S Kazadzis, A Romanou, ...
Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 61 (4), 657-665, 2009
Observed and modelled record ozone decline over the Arctic during winter/spring 2011
D Balis, ISA Isaksen, C Zerefos, I Zyrichidou, K Eleftheratos, K Tourpali, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (23), 2011
Dust specific extinction cross-sections over the Eastern Mediterranean using the BSC-DREAM model and sun photometer data: the case of urban environments
E Gerasopoulos, P Kokkalis, V Amiridis, E Liakakou, C Perez, K Haustein, ...
Annales Geophysicae 27 (7), 2903-2912, 2009
A study on natural and manmade global interannual fluctuations of cirrus cloud cover for the period 1984–2004
K Eleftheratos, CS Zerefos, P Zanis, DS Balis, G Tselioudis, K Gierens, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7 (10), 2631-2642, 2007
Ozone and spectroradiometric UV changes in the past 20 years over high latitudes
K Eleftheratos, S Kazadzis, CS Zerefos, K Tourpali, C Meleti, D Balis, ...
Atmosphere-Ocean 53 (1), 117-125, 2015
Attribution of the Arctic ozone column deficit in March 2011
ISA Isaksen, C Zerefos, WC Wang, D Balis, K Eleftheratos, B Rognerud, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (24), 2012
The climate of the Eastern Mediterranean and Greece: Past, present and future
C Zerefos, C Repapis, C Giannakopoulos, J Kapsomenakis, ...
The environmental, economic and social impacts of climate change in Greece …, 2011
Detecting volcanic sulfur dioxide plumes in the Northern Hemisphere using the Brewer spectrophotometers, other networks, and satellite observations
CS Zerefos, K Eleftheratos, J Kapsomenakis, S Solomos, A Inness, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (1), 551-574, 2017
Real-time UV index retrieval in Europe using Earth observation-based techniques: system description and quality assessment
PG Kosmopoulos, S Kazadzis, AW Schmalwieser, PI Raptis, ...
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 14 (8), 5657-5699, 2021
Possible effects of greenhouse gases to ozone profiles and DNA active UV-B irradiance at ground level
K Eleftheratos, J Kapsomenakis, CS Zerefos, AF Bais, I Fountoulakis, ...
Atmosphere 11 (3), 228, 2020
Effects of cirrus cloudiness on solar irradiance in four spectral bands
A Kazantzidis, K Eleftheratos, CS Zerefos
Atmospheric Research 102 (4), 452-459, 2011
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Articles 1–20