Mirabel C Rezende
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Cited by
A review on the development and properties of continuous fiber/epoxy/aluminum hybrid composites for aircraft structures
EC Botelho, RA Silva, LC Pardini, MC Rezende
Materials Research 9, 247-256, 2006
The influence of porosity on the interlaminar shear strength of carbon/epoxy and carbon/bismaleimide fabric laminates
ML Costa, SM De Almeida, MC Rezende
Composites Science and Technology 61 (14), 2101-2108, 2001
Mechanical behavior of carbon fiber reinforced polyamide composites
EC Botelho, MC Rezende, B Lauke
Composites Science and Technology 63 (13), 1843-1855, 2003
Antistatic coating and electromagnetic shielding properties of a hybrid material based on polyaniline/organoclay nanocomposite and EPDM rubber
MA Soto-Oviedo, OA Araújo, R Faez, MC Rezende, MA De Paoli
Synthetic metals 156 (18-20), 1249-1255, 2006
Damping behavior of continuous fiber/metal composite materials by the free vibration method
EC Botelho, AN Campos, E De Barros, LC Pardini, MC Rezende
composites part B: Engineering 37 (2-3), 255-263, 2005
Comparison of tensile strength of different carbon fabric reinforced epoxy composites
JMF Paiva, S Mayer, MC Rezende
Materials Research 9, 83-90, 2006
Correlation between degree of crystallinity, morphology and mechanical properties of PPS/carbon fiber laminates
NL Batista, P Olivier, G Bernhart, MC Rezende, EC Botelho
Materials Research 19 (1), 195-201, 2016
Preparation of nanocellulose from Imperata brasiliensis grass using Taguchi method
KCC de Carvalho Benini, HJC Voorwald, MOH Cioffi, MC Rezende, ...
Carbohydrate Polymers 192, 337-346, 2018
Mechanical and morphological characterizations of carbon fiber fabric reinforced epoxy composites used in aeronautical field
JMF Paiva, ADN Santos, MC Rezende
Materials Research 12, 367-374, 2009
Effect of void content on the moisture absorption in polymeric composites
ML Costa, MC Rezende, SFM De Almeida
Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering 45 (6), 691-698, 2006
Ni–Zn nanoferrite for radar-absorbing material
UR Lima, MC Nasar, RS Nasar, MC Rezende, JH Araujo
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (10), 1666-1670, 2008
O uso de compósitos estruturais na indústria aeroespacial
MC Rezende, EC Botelho
Polímeros 10, e4-e10, 2000
Dependence of microwave absorption properties on ferrite volume fraction in MnZn ferrite/rubber radar absorbing materials
AM Gama, MC Rezende, CC Dantas
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 323 (22), 2782-2785, 2011
Dielectric microwave absorbing material processed by impregnation of carbon fiber fabric with polyaniline
LC Folgueras, EL Nohara, R Faez, MC Rezende
Materials Research 10, 95-99, 2007
Hygrothermal effects on the shear properties of carbon fiber/epoxy composites
EC Botelho, LC Pardini, MC Rezende
Journal of Materials Science 41 (21), 7111-7118, 2006
Microwave absorbing paints and sheets based on carbonyl iron and polyaniline: measurement and simulation of their properties
LC Folgueras, MA Alves, MC Rezende
Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management 2 (1), 63-70, 2010
Strength of hygrothermally conditioned polymer composites with voids
ML Costa, MC Rezende, SFM De Almeida
Journal of Composite Materials 39 (21), 1943-1961, 2005
Elastic properties of hygrothermally conditioned glare laminate
EC Botelho, RS Almeida, LC Pardini, MC Rezende
International Journal of Engineering Science 45 (1), 163-172, 2007
Evaluation of mechanical properties of four different carbon/epoxy composites used in aeronautical field
JMF Paiva, S Mayer, MC Rezende
Materials Research 8, 91-97, 2005
Evaluation of carbon fiber surface treated by chemical and cold plasma processes
LB Nohara, G Petraconi Filho, EL Nohara, MU Kleinke, MC Rezende
Materials Research 8, 281-286, 2005
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Articles 1–20