Pipiet Larasatie
Pipiet Larasatie
Assistant Professor of Forest Products Marketing, University of Arkansas at Monticello
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What does the public believe about tall wood buildings? An exploratory study in the US Pacific Northwest
P Larasatie, JE Guerrero, K Conroy, TE Hall, E Hansen, MD Needham
Journal of Forestry 116 (5), 429-436, 2018
Global CLT industry in 2020: Growth beyond the Alpine Region
L Muszyński, P Larasatie, JE Guerrero, RR Albee, EN Hansen
2020 Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST) International Convention, 2020
The “Catch-22” of representation of women in the forest sector: The perspective of student leaders in top global forestry universities
P Larasatie, T Barnett, E Hansen
Forests 11 (4), 419, 2020
“From nude calendars to tractor calendars”: The perspectives of female executives on gender aspects in the North American and Nordic forest industries
P Larasatie, G Baublyte, K Conroy, E Hansen, A Toppinen
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48 (8), 915-924, 2019
Why research productivity among women in academia suffered during the early stages of COVID-19 crisis: A qualitative analysis
AA Lambrechts, P Larasatie, S Boutelier, HA Guta, I Leonowicz-Bukała, ...
EdArXiv, 2021
Global CLT industry survey: The 2020 updates
P Larasatie, R Albee, L Muszyński, JEM Guerrero, E Hansen
2020/2021 World Conference on Timber Engineering, 2020
Leading with the heart and/or the head? Experiences of women student leaders in top world forestry universities
P Larasatie, T Barnett, E Hansen
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 35 (8), 588-599, 2020
Please like me: Ingratiation as a moderator of the impact of the perception of organizational politics on job satisfaction
T Fitriastuti, P Larasatie, A Vanderstraeten
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (14), 7455, 2021
“Part of something larger than myself”: Lessons learned from a multidisciplinary, multicultural, and multilingual international research team of academic women
KS Brown, TM Farwell, S Bender, AA Martinez-Suarez, S Boutelier, ...
International Journal of Qualitative Methods 21, 16094069211073209, 2022
Trends in forest-related employment and tertiary education: insights from selected key countries around the globe
JA Owuor, L Giessen, LC Prior, D Cilio, TL Bal, A Bernasconi, J Burns, ...
European Forest Institute, 2021
Indonesian Furniture Producers: Change Makers or Change Takers?
P Larasatie
BioProducts Business 3 (4), 39-50, 2018
COVID-19 anxiety as a moderator of the relationship between organizational change and perception of organizational politics in forestry public sector
P Larasatie, T Fitriastuti, EY Yovi, H Purnomo, DR Nurrochmat
Forests 13 (2), 356, 2022
Surface characteristics and acoustical properties of bamboo particle board coated with polyurethane varnish
L Karlinasari, U Adzkia, AS Sudarsono, P Larasatie, Y Amin, N Nugroho
Forests 12 (9), 1285, 2021
Recent developments in global cross-laminated timber (CLT) market
RR Albee, L Muszyński, EN Hansen, CD Knowles, P Larasatie, ...
2018 World Conference on Timber Engineering, 2018
Mass-Timber Panel (MTP) Industry and its Supply/Value Chain
L Muszyński, P Larasatie, E Hansen, JE Guerrero, R Albee
2021 Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST) International Convention, 2021
Women’s woodland owner network: a comparative case study of Oregon (the United States) and Austria
P Larasatie, D Karisch-Gierer, A Ludvig
Land 11 (10), 1653, 2022
“Set Your Soul on Fire”: A Feminist-Informed Co-Constructed Autoethnography of Sixteen Multidiscipline, Multicultural, and Multilingual Globally Located Academic Women …
KS Brown, S Bender, AA Lambrechts, S Boutelier, TM Farwell, P Larasatie
American Journal of Qualitative Research 6 (2), 242-264, 2022
From fingerprint to footprint: using point of interest (POI) recommendation system in marketing applications
P Larasatie, S Setiowati
The Asian Journal of Technology Management 12 (2), 118-131, 2019
What does the US Pacific Northwest public believe about tall wood buildings?
P Larasatie, JE Guerrero, T Hall, E Hansen
2018 World Conference on Timber Engineering, 2018
Who Prefers Legal Wood: Consumers with Utilitarian or Hedonic Shopping Values?
P Larasatie, RP Handrito, T Fitriastuti, DM Sari
Forests 14 (11), 2163, 2023
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