sanjid ahmed
sanjid ahmed
VE Lecturer, RMIT University
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Cited by
Feasibility of diesel–biodiesel–ethanol/bioethanol blend as existing CI engine fuel: An assessment of properties, material compatibility, safety and combustion
SA Shahir, HH Masjuki, MA Kalam, A Imran, IMR Fattah, A Sanjid
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 32, 379-395, 2014
Energy balance of internal combustion engines using alternative fuels
MJ Abedin, HH Masjuki, MA Kalam, A Sanjid, SMA Rahman, BM Masum
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 26, 20-33, 2013
Impacts of NOx reducing antioxidant additive on performance and emissions of a multi-cylinder diesel engine fueled with Jatropha biodiesel blends
SM Palash, MA Kalam, HH Masjuki, MI Arbab, BM Masum, A Sanjid
Energy Conversion and Management 77, 577-585, 2014
Production of palm and jatropha based biodiesel and investigation of palm-jatropha combined blend properties, performance, exhaust emission and noise in an unmodified diesel engine
A Sanjid, HH Masjuki, MA Kalam, SMA Rahman, MJ Abedin, SM Palash
Journal of cleaner production 65, 295-303, 2014
Production of palm and Calophyllum inophyllum based biodiesel and investigation of blend performance and exhaust emission in an unmodified diesel engine at high idling conditions
SMA Rahman, HH Masjuki, MA Kalam, MJ Abedin, A Sanjid, H Sajjad
Energy Conversion and Management 76, 362-367, 2013
Impact of idling on fuel consumption and exhaust emissions and available idle-reduction technologies for diesel vehicles–A review
SMA Rahman, HH Masjuki, MA Kalam, MJ Abedin, A Sanjid, H Sajjad
Energy Conversion and Management 74, 171-182, 2013
Impact of palm, mustard, waste cooking oil and Calophyllum inophyllum biofuels on performance and emission of CI engine
A Sanjid, HH Masjuki, MA Kalam, SMA Rahman, MJ Abedin, SM Palash
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 27, 664-682, 2013
Performance, emissions, and heat losses of palm and jatropha biodiesel blends in a diesel engine
MJ Abedin, HH Masjuki, MA Kalam, A Sanjid, SMA Rahman, IMR Fattah
Industrial crops and products 59, 96-104, 2014
State of the art of NOx mitigation technologies and their effect on the performance and emission characteristics of biodiesel-fueled Compression Ignition engines
SM Palash, HH Masjuki, MA Kalam, BM Masum, A Sanjid, MJ Abedin
Energy conversion and management 76, 400-420, 2013
Biodiesel production, characterization, diesel engine performance, and emission characteristics of methyl esters from Aphanamixis polystachya oil of Bangladesh
SM Palash, HH Masjuki, MA Kalam, AE Atabani, IMR Fattah, A Sanjid
Energy Conversion and Management 91, 149-157, 2015
An experimental investigation of biodiesel production, characterization, engine performance, emission and noise of Brassica juncea methyl ester and its blends
S Ahmed, MH Hassan, MA Kalam, SMA Rahman, MJ Abedin, A Shahir
Journal of cleaner production 79, 74-81, 2014
Combustion, performance, and emission characteristics of low heat rejection engine operating on various biodiesels and vegetable oils
MJ Abedin, HH Masjuki, MA Kalam, A Sanjid, AM Ashraful
Energy conversion and management 85, 173-189, 2014
Effect of idling on fuel consumption and emissions of a diesel engine fueled by Jatropha biodiesel blends
SMA Rahman, HH Masjuki, MA Kalam, MJ Abedin, A Sanjid, S Imtenan
Journal of cleaner production 69, 208-215, 2014
Bioethanol fuel production from rotten banana as an environmental waste management and sustainable energy
A Hossain, SA Ahmed, AM Alshammari, FMA Adnan, MSM Annuar, ...
Afr J Microbiol Res 5 (6), 586-598, 2011
Performance and emission of multi-cylinder diesel engine using biodiesel blends obtained from mixed inedible feedstocks
A Sanjid, MA Kalam, HH Masjuki, M Varman, NWBM Zulkifli, MJ Abedin
Journal of Cleaner Production 112, 4114-4122, 2016
Assessment of emission and performance of compression ignition engine with varying injection timing
SMA Rahman, HH Masjuki, MA Kalam, A Sanjid, MJ Abedin
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 35, 221-230, 2014
Assessing idling effects on a compression ignition engine fueled with Jatropha and Palm biodiesel blends
SMA Rahman, HH Masjuki, MA Kalam, MJ Abedin, A Sanjid, MM Rahman
Renewable Energy 68, 644-650, 2014
Experimental investigation of mustard biodiesel blend properties, performance, exhaust emission and noise in an unmodified diesel engine
A Sanjid, HH Masjuki, MA Kalam, MJ Abedin, SMA Rahman
APCBEE procedia 10, 149-153, 2014
Production of biodiesel from a non-edible source and study of its combustion, and emission characteristics: A comparative study with B5
MJ Abedin, MA Kalam, HH Masjuki, MFM Sabri, SMA Rahman, A Sanjid, ...
Renewable Energy 88, 20-29, 2016
Graphene coating on a nickel-copper alloy (Monel 400) for microbial corrosion resistance: Electrochemical and surface characterizations
S Al-Saadi, RKS Raman, MR Anisur, S Ahmed, J Crosswell, M Alnuwaiser, ...
Corrosion Science 182, 109299, 2021
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Articles 1–20