Ulrich Norbisrath
Ulrich Norbisrath
Associate Professor of Software Engeneering, University of Tartu
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Cited by
Ordinary search engine users carrying out complex search tasks
G Singer, U Norbisrath, D Lewandowski
Journal of Information Science 39 (3), 346-358, 2013
Method for sequential biometric authentication and mobile station
U Norbisrath, W Blessing
US Patent App. 13/769,571, 2013
Search-logger analyzing exploratory search tasks
G Singer, U Norbisrath, E Vainikko, H Kikkas, D Lewandowski
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 751-756, 2011
Ordinary search engine users assessing difficulty, effort, and outcome for simple and complex search tasks
G Singer, U Norbisrath, D Lewandowski
Proceedings of the 4th information interaction in context symposium, 110-119, 2012
Towards a model for cloud computing cost estimation with reserved instances
G Singer, I Livenson, M Dumas, SN Srirama, U Norbisrath
Proc. of 2nd Int. ICST Conf. on Cloud Computing, CloudComp 2010, 2010
Complex search: aggregation, discovery, and synthesis.
G Singer, D Danilov
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences 61 (2), 2012
Distributed programming in Haskell with ports
F Huch, U Norbisrath
Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, 107-121, 2000
The relationship between Internet user type and user performance when carrying out simple vs. complex search tasks
G Singer, P Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, U Norbisrath, D Lewandowski
arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.05819, 2015
Story driven modeling
U Norbisrath, R Jubeh, A Zündorf
CreateSpace Independent Publ. Platform, 2013
Impact of Gender and Age on performing Search Tasks Online.
G Singer, U Norbisrath, D Lewandowski
MuC, 23-32, 2012
Modeling eHome systems
U Norbisrath, I Armac, D Retkowitz, P Salumaa
Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on Middleware for Pervasive …, 2006
Towards automatic deployment in eHome systems: Description language and tool support
M Kirchhof, U Norbisrath, C Skrzypczyk
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2004: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE …, 2004
Friend-to-friend computing-instant messaging based spontaneous desktop grid
U Norbisrath, K Kraaner, E Vainikko, O Batrašev
2008 Third International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and …, 2008
Functionality configuration for eHome systems
U Norbisrath, C Mosler
Proceedings of the 2006 conference of the Center for Advanced Studies on …, 2006
Story Driven Modeling Libary (SDMLib): an Inline DSL for modeling and model transformations, the Petrinet-Statechart case
A Zündorf, T George, S Lindel, U Norbisrath
Sixth Transformation Tool Contest (TTC 2013), ser. EPTCS, 2013
U Norbisrath, P Salumaa, A Malik
Fujaba-based tool development for ehome systems
U Norbisrath, P Salumaa, E Schultchen, B Kraft
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 127 (1), 89-99, 2005
The eHomeConfigurator Tool Suite
U Norbisrath, C Mosler, I Armac
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006: OTM 2006 Workshops: OTM …, 2006
eHome specification, configuration, and deployment
U Norbisrath, P Salumaa, A Malik
Configuration and Deployment in eHome-Systems
M Kirchhof, U Norbisrath
Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems: New …, 2004
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Articles 1–20