Kazuhiro Yabana
Kazuhiro Yabana
Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba
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Time-dependent local-density approximation in real time
K Yabana, GF Bertsch
Physical Review B 54 (7), 4484, 1996
Attosecond band-gap dynamics in silicon
M Schultze, K Ramasesha, CD Pemmaraju, SA Sato, D Whitmore, ...
Science 346 (6215), 1348-1352, 2014
Real-space, real-time method for the dielectric function
GF Bertsch, JI Iwata, A Rubio, K Yabana
Physical Review B 62 (12), 7998, 2000
Attosecond dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect in polycrystalline diamond
M Lucchini, SA Sato, A Ludwig, J Herrmann, M Volkov, L Kasmi, ...
Science 353 (6302), 916-919, 2016
Time-dependent density functional theory for strong electromagnetic fields in crystalline solids
K Yabana, T Sugiyama, Y Shinohara, T Otobe, GF Bertsch
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (4), 045134, 2012
Time‐dependent local‐density approximation in real time: application to conjugated molecules
K Yabana, GF Bertsch
International journal of quantum chemistry 75 (1), 55-66, 1999
Time-dependent density-functional description of nuclear dynamics
T Nakatsukasa, K Matsuyanagi, M Matsuo, K Yabana
Reviews of modern physics 88 (4), 045004, 2016
Attosecond nonlinear polarization and light–matter energy transfer in solids
A Sommer, EM Bothschafter, SA Sato, C Jakubeit, T Latka, ...
Nature 534 (7605), 86-90, 2016
Glauber model analysis of the fragmentation reaction cross sections of 11Li
Y Ogawa, K Yabana, Y Suzuki
Nuclear Physics A 543 (4), 722-750, 1992
Real‐time, real‐space implementation of the linear response time‐dependent density‐functional theory
K Yabana, T Nakatsukasa, JI Iwata, GF Bertsch
physica status solidi (b) 243 (5), 1121-1138, 2006
Time-dependent Hartree-Fock calculations for multinucleon transfer processes in Ca+Sn, Ca+Pb, and Ni+Pb reactions
K Sekizawa, K Yabana
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 88 (1), 014614, 2013
Linear response theory in the continuum for deformed nuclei: Green's function vs time-dependent Hartree-Fock with the absorbing boundary condition
T Nakatsukasa, K Yabana
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 71 (2), 024301, 2005
First-principles electron dynamics simulation for optical breakdown of dielectrics under an intense laser field
T Otobe, M Yamagiwa, JI Iwata, K Yabana, T Nakatsukasa, GF Bertsch
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (16), 165104, 2008
Finite amplitude method for the solution of the random-phase approximation
T Nakatsukasa, T Inakura, K Yabana
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 76 (2), 024318, 2007
Ab initio multiscale simulation of high-order harmonic generation in solids
I Floss, C Lemell, G Wachter, V Smejkal, SA Sato, XM Tong, K Yabana, ...
Physical Review A 97 (1), 011401, 2018
Canonical-basis time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory and linear-response calculations
S Ebata, T Nakatsukasa, T Inakura, K Yoshida, Y Hashimoto, K Yabana
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 82 (3), 034306, 2010
Application of the time-dependent local density approximation to optical activity
K Yabana, GF Bertsch
Physical Review A 60 (2), 1271, 1999
A massively-parallel electronic-structure calculations based on real-space density functional theory
JI Iwata, D Takahashi, A Oshiyama, T Boku, K Shiraishi, S Okada, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 229 (6), 2339-2363, 2010
SALMON: Scalable ab-initio light–matter simulator for optics and nanoscience
M Noda, SA Sato, Y Hirokawa, M Uemoto, T Takeuchi, S Yamada, ...
Computer Physics Communications 235, 356-365, 2019
Time-dependent Hartree-Fock calculations for multinucleon transfer and quasifission processes in the reaction
K Sekizawa, K Yabana
Physical Review C 93 (5), 054616, 2016
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Articles 1–20