Eero Vainikko
Cited by
Cited by
Adapting scientific computing problems to clouds using MapReduce
SN Srirama, P Jakovits, E Vainikko
Future Generation Computer Systems 28 (1), 184-192, 2012
Scicloud: Scientific computing on the cloud
S Srirama, O Batrashev, E Vainikko
Proceedings of the 2010 10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cluster …, 2010
Domain decomposition preconditioning for high-frequency Helmholtz problems with absorption
I Graham, E Spence, E Vainikko
Mathematics of Computation 86 (307), 2089-2127, 2017
Additive Schwarz with aggregation-based coarsening for elliptic problems with highly variable coefficients
R Scheichl, E Vainikko
Computing 80 (4), 319-343, 2007
Cell phone subscribers mobility prediction using enhanced markov chain algorithm
A Hadachi, O Batrashev, A Lind, G Singer, E Vainikko
2014 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Proceedings, 1049-1054, 2014
A spline product quasi-interpolation method for weakly singular Fredholm integral equations
E Vainikko, G Vainikko
SIAM J. Numer. Anal 46, 1799-1820, 2008
Additive Schwarz methods without subdomain overlap and with new coarse spaces
PE Bjørstad, M Dryja, E Vainikko
Domain Decomposition Methods in Sciences and Engineering. John Wiley & Sons, 1997
Scalability of parallel scientific applications on the cloud
SN Srirama, O Batrashev, P Jakovits, E Vainikko
Scientific Programming 19 (2), 91-105, 2011
Search-logger analyzing exploratory search tasks
G Singer, U Norbisrath, E Vainikko, H Kikkas, D Lewandowski
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 751-756, 2011
Scalable mobile web services mediation framework
S Srirama, E Vainikko, V Sor, M Jarke
Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW), 2010 Fifth International …, 2010
Recent Results on Domain Decomposition Preconditioning for the High-Frequency Helmholtz Equation Using Absorption
IG Graham, EA Spence, E Vainikko
Modern Solvers for Helmholtz Problems; Domenico Lahaye, Jok Tang, Kees Vuik …, 2017
Parallel iterative methods for Navier–Stokes equations and application to eigenvalue computation
IG Graham, A Spence, E Vainikko
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 15 (11‐12), 1151-1168, 2003
Parallel privacy-preserving shortest path algorithms
M Anagreh, P Laud, E Vainikko
Cryptography 5 (4), 27, 2021
Petascale solvers for anisotropic PDEs in atmospheric modelling on GPU clusters
EH Müller, R Scheichl, E Vainikko
Parallel Computing 50, 53-69, 2015
Friend-to-friend computing-instant messaging based spontaneous desktop grid
U Norbisrath, K Kraaner, E Vainikko, O Batrasev
Internet and Web Applications and Services, 2008. ICIW'08. Third …, 2008
Some numerical schemes for the identification of the filtration coefficient
E Vainikko, G Vainikko
Acta et comment. univ. Tartuensis 937, 90-102, 1992
Mobility episode detection from CDR's data using switching Kalman filter
O Batrashev, A Hadachi, A Lind, E Vainikko
Proceedings of the Fourth ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Mobile …, 2015
Supporting mobile web service provisioning with cloud computing
SN Srirama, V Shor, E Vainikko, M Jarke
International Journal On Advances in Internet Technology 3 (3&), 4, 2010
A parallel solver for PDE systems and application to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
E Vainikko, IG Graham
Applied numerical mathematics 49 (1), 97-116, 2004
Parallel Privacy-preserving Computation of Minimum Spanning Trees.
M Anagreh, E Vainikko, P Laud
ICISSP, 181-190, 2021
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Articles 1–20