Xiangwei Dong
Xiangwei Dong
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A smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) model for simulating surface erosion by impacts of foreign particles
XW Dong, GR Liu, Z Li, W Zeng
Tribology International 95, 267-278, 2016
A comprehensive study on the parameters setting in smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method applied to hydrodynamics problems
Z Mao, GR Liu, X Dong
Computers and Geotechnics 92, 77-95, 2017
A smoothing technique based beta finite element method (βFEM) for crystal plasticity modeling
W Zeng, GR Liu, D Li, XW Dong
Computers & Structures 162, 48-67, 2016
An effective fracture analysis method based on the virtual crack closure-integral technique implemented in CS-FEM
W Zeng, GR Liu, C Jiang, XW Dong, HD Chen, Y Bao, Y Jiang
Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (5-6), 3783-3800, 2016
Modeling and simulation of droplet impact on elastic beams based on SPH
X Dong, X Huang, J Liu
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 75, 237-257, 2019
Modeling, simulation, and analysis of the impact (s) of single angular-type particles on ductile surfaces using smoothed particle hydrodynamics
X Dong, Z Li, L Feng, Z Sun, C Fan
Powder Technology 318, 363-382, 2017
Modeling of orthogonal cutting process of A2024-T351 with an improved SPH method
W Niu, R Mo, GR Liu, H Sun, X Dong, G Wang
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 95, 905-919, 2018
A comparative study of ductile and brittle materials due to single angular particle impact
G Hao, X Dong, M Du, Z Li, Z Dou
Wear 428, 258-271, 2019
Droplet impact induced large deflection of a cantilever
X Huang, X Dong, J Li, J Liu
Physics of Fluids 31 (6), 2019
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulation of impinging jet flows containing abrasive rigid bodies
X Dong, Z Li, C Jiang, Y Liu
Computational Particle Mechanics 6, 479-501, 2019
Numerical and experimental study on flow separation control of airfoils with various leading-edge tubercles
M Fan, X Dong, Z Li, Z Sun, L Feng
Ocean Engineering 252, 111046, 2022
Study on the effects of abrasive particle shape on the cutting performance of Ti-6Al-4V materials based on the SPH method
L Feng, GR Liu, Z Li, X Dong, M Du
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 101, 3167-3182, 2019
Numerical study of impact behaviors of angular particles on metallic surface using smoothed particle hydrodynamics
X Dong, Z Li, G Liu, L Zhao, X Zhang
Tribology Transactions 60 (4), 693-710, 2017
Two-dimensional smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulation of multiphase melting flows and associated interface behavior
X Dong, G Hao, R Yu
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 16 (1), 588-629, 2022
SPH-FEM simulation of concrete breaking process due to impact of high-speed water jet
R Yu, X Dong, Z Li, M Du, Q Zhang
AIP Advances 11 (4), 2021
A novel piezoelectric structure for harvesting energy from water droplet: Theoretical and experimental studies
G Hao, X Dong, Z Li
Energy 232, 121071, 2021
Simulation of soil-tool interaction using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH)
M Hu, T Gao, X Dong, Q Tan, C Yi, F Wu, A Bao
Soil and Tillage Research 229, 105671, 2023
Numerical and experimental investigation of bionic airfoils with leading-edge tubercles at a low-Re in considering stall delay
M Fan, Z Sun, X Dong, Z Li
Renewable Energy 200, 154-168, 2022
Quasi-static simulation of droplet morphologies using a smoothed particle hydrodynamics multiphase model
X Dong, J Liu, S Liu, Z Li
Acta Mechanica Sinica 35, 32-44, 2019
Single pyramid-shaped particle impact on metallic surfaces: A 3D numerical simulation and experiment
M Du, Z Li, X Dong, L Feng, Y Liu, C Fan
Tribology Letters 67, 1-15, 2019
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Articles 1–20