audronė bliujienė
audronė bliujienė
Research Professor, Klaipėda University, Institute of Baltic Region History and Archaeology
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Cited by
Vikingų epochos kuršių papuošalų ornamentika
A Bliujienė
(No Title), 1999
Romėniškasis ir tautų kraustymosi laikotarpiai
A Bliujienė
Klaipėdos Universiteto Leidykla, 2013
Northern Gold: Amber in Lithuania (c. 100 to c. 1200)
A Bliujienė
Brill, 2011
Lietuvos priešistorės gintaras
A Bliujienė
Versus aureus, 2007
Watershed between eastern and western Lithuania during the Early and Late Migration Period
A Bliujienė
Archaeologia Lituana 7, 123-143, 2006
Wealthy horsemen in the remote and tenebrous forests of east Lithuania during the Migration Period
A Bliujienė, V Steponaitis
Archaeologia Baltica 11, 185-205, 2009
Armed men and their riding horses as a reflection of the warrior hierarchy in Western Lithuania during the Roman Iron Age
A Bliujienė, D Butkus
Archaeologia Baltica 8, 95-116, 2007
The bog offerings of the Balts:" I give in order to get back"
A Bliujienė
Archaeologia Baltica: Underwater archaeology in the Baltic region. 14, 136-165, 2010
Human-horse burials in Lithuania in the late second to seventh century AD: a multidisciplinary approach
A Bliujienė, M Stančikaitė, G Piličiauskienė, J Mažeika, D Butkus
European Journal of Archaeology 20 (4), 682-709, 2017
The main stylistic features of the Baltic crossbow brooches in the migration period
A Bliujienė
Archaeologia Baltica.-Vilnius 5, 145-161, 2002
Burials with horses and equestrian equipment on the Lithuanian and Latvian littorals and hinterlands (from the fifth to the eighth centuries)
A Bliujienė, D Butkus
Archaeologia Baltica 11, 149-163, 2009
The first data on the human diet in Late Roman and Early Migration period western Lithuania: Evidence from stable isotope, archaebotanical and zooarchaeological analyses
A Bliujienė, R Skipitytė, A Garbaras, Ž Miliauskienė, J Šapolaitė, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 33, 102545, 2020
Armed people of East and Southeast Lithuania in the geocultural context of the Migration Period
A Bliujienė
Archaeologia Baltica 19, 145-168, 2013
Baltų zoomorfinis stilius
A Bliujienė
Population history and palaeoenvironment in the Skomantai archaeological site, West Lithuania: Two thousand years
M Stančikaitė, A Bliujienė, D Kisielienė, J Mažeika, R Taraškevičius, ...
Quaternary international 308, 190-204, 2013
Alinkos (Raistinės) pilkapiai
A Bliujienė
Lietuvos archeologija 8, 105-127, 1992
Metalų dirbiniai Lietuvos archeologinėje medžiagoje
A Bliujienė
Muziejinių rinkinių priežiūra IV dalis 2, 685-740, 2015
Lithuanian amber artifacts in the middle of the First Millenium and their provenance within the limits of Eastern Baltic Region
A Bliujienė
Baltic Amber. Preceedings of the International Interdisciplinary Conference …, 2001
Concentration of authority and power in east Lithuania, between Tauragnas Lake and the middle reaches of the Žeimena River, during the migration period
A Bliujienė, V Steponaitis, E Šatavičius, G Grižas
Estonian journal of archaeology. 21 (2), 117-147, 2017
Trade, warfare, looting and hoarding: attributes of Viking Age contacts across the Baltic Sea
A Bliujienė
Pētījumi kuršu senatnē: rakstu krājums/sastādījis Vitolds Muižnieks, 167-177, 2008
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