N. N. N. Yeboah
N. N. N. Yeboah
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Cited by
Utilization of Savannah Harbor river sediment as the primary raw material in production of fired brick
A Mezencevova, NN Yeboah, SE Burns, LF Kahn, KE Kurtis
Journal of environmental management 113, 128-136, 2012
Characterization of biomass and high carbon content coal ash for productive reuse applications
NNN Yeboah, CR Shearer, SE Burns, KE Kurtis
Fuel 116, 438-447, 2014
Evaluation of alternative fly ashes as supplementary cementitious materials
X Wirth, D Benkeser, NNN Yeboah, CR Shearer, KE Kurtis, SE Burns
ACI Materials Journal 116 (4), 69-77, 2019
Geological disposal of energy-related waste
NNN Yeboah, SE Burns
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 15, 697-705, 2011
Impact of unburned carbon particles on the electrical conductivity of fly ash slurry
H Choo, NNN Yeboah, SE Burns
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 140 (9), 04014052, 2014
Small to intermediate strain properties of fly ashes with various carbon and biomass contents
H Choo, NN Yeboah, SE Burns
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 53 (1), 35-48, 2015
The early age behavior of biomass fired and co-fired fly ash in concrete
CR Shearer, N Yehboah, KE Kurtis, SE Burns
Investigating the potential for producing fired bricks from Savannah Harbor dredged sediment
NN Yeboah, A Mezencevova, JS Phillips, SE Burns, KE Kurtis
Geo-Frontiers 2011: Advances in Geotechnical Engineering, 1245-1254, 2011
Fate of bentonite in slag–cement–bentonite slurry trench cut-off walls for polluted sites
JC Evans, JM Larrahondo, NNN Yeboah
Environmental Geotechnics 10 (5), 319-331, 2021
Treatment and disposal alternatives for flue gas desulfurization wastewater
NN Yeboah, K Ellison, R Minkara, D Rhodes
2015 World of Coal Ash Conference (www. worldofcoalash. org), 2015
Investigation of biomass Co-fired fly ash properties: Characterization and concrete durability performance
CR Shearer, N Yeboah, KE Kurtis, SE Burns
Proc., 2nd Int. Conf. on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies …, 2010
Brine-encapsulation bench & field testing recommendations
K Ellison, NNN Yeboah, C Pretorius
Characterization and productive reuse of high carbon content coal and biomass combustion residuals from energy production
NNN Yeboah
PhD, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014
Evaluation of biomass fired and co-fired fly ash for alkali-silica reaction mitigation in concrete
CR Shearer, N Yeboah, EK Kurtis, SE Burns
14th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction, 2012
Coal Ash Use Study for Duke Energy, North Carolina
A Oberlink, T Robl, B Jewell, K Ladwig
Lead adsorption by biomass and weathered coal fly ashes
X Wirth, NNN Yeboah, S Burns
The International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, 367-373, 2018
Recovery of value added industrial products from flue-gas desulfurization waste waters at power plants
R Minkara, NNN Yeboah
US Patent App. 15/135,915, 2016
The Effects of Wood Source and Combustion Conditions on Properties of Biomass Fly Ash
X Wirth, NNN Yeboah, SE Burns
Woody Biomass Fly Ash: Properties and Engineering Applications
SE Burns, NNN Yeboah, X Wirth, S Shivaprakash
Geoenvironmental Engineering: Site and Contaminant Characterization …, 2024
Characterization and Productive Reuse of High Carbon Content Coal and Biomass Energy Combustion Residuals
NNN Yeboah
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014
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Articles 1–20