Priyankoo Sarmah
Cited by
Cited by
Thai English: rhythm and vowels
P Sarmah, DV Gogoi, CR Wiltshire
English World-Wide 30 (2), 196-217, 2009
Survey of textbased chatbot in perspective of recent technologies
B Borah, D Pathak, P Sarmah, B Som, S Nandi
Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics: Second …, 2019
Some aspects of the tonal phonology of Bodo
P Sarmah
Hyderabad: Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages PhD dissertation, 2004
A preliminary acoustic study of Mizo vowels and tones
P Sarmah, CR Wiltshire
J. Acoust. Soc. Ind 37 (3), 121-129, 2010
Detection of mizo tones
BD Sarma, P Sarmah, W Lalhminghlui, SRM Prasanna
Sixteenth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication …, 2015
Contextual variation of tones in Mizo
P Sarmah, L Dihingia, W Lalhminghlui
Sixteenth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication …, 2015
Acoustic analysis of vowels in Assam Sora
L Horo, P Sarmah
North East Indian Linguistics 7, 69-88, 2015
An acoustic study of Dimasa tones
P Sarmah, C Wiltshire
North East Indian Linguistics 2, 25-44, 2010
Tone systems of Dimasa and Rabha: a phonetic and phonological study
P Sarmah
University of Florida, 2009
AsPOS: Assamese part of speech tagger using deep learning approach
D Pathak, S Nandi, P Sarmah
2022 IEEE/ACS 19th International Conference on Computer Systems and …, 2022
Speech corpora of under resourced languages of north-east india
B Deka, J Chakraborty, A Dey, S Nath, P Sarmah, SR Nirmala, S Vijaya
2018 Oriental COCOSDA-International Conference on Speech Database and …, 2018
Dialect Identification Using Tonal and Spectral Features in Two Dialects of Ao.
M Tzudir, P Sarmah, SRM Prasanna
SLTU, 137-141, 2018
Lexical tone recognition in Mizo using acoustic-prosodic features
P Gogoi, A Dey, W Lalhminghlui, P Sarmah, SRM Prasanna
Proceedings of the twelfth language resources and evaluation conference …, 2020
Mizo phone recognition system
A Dey, W Lalhminghlui, P Sarmah, K Samudravijaya, SRM Prasarma, ...
2017 14th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON), 1-5, 2017
Role of pitch slope and duration in synthesized Mizo tones
D Govind, P Sarmah, SRM Prasanna
Speech Prosody 2012, 934-937, 2012
Development of assamese text-to-speech system using deep neural network
A Deka, P Sarmah, K Samudravijaya, SRM Prasanna
2019 National Conference on Communications (NCC), 1-5, 2019
Vowel-Tone Interaction in Two Tibeto-Burman Languages.
W Lalhminghlui, V Terhiija, P Sarmah
INTERSPEECH, 3970-3974, 2019
Production and perception of rising tone sandhi in Mizo
W Lalhminghlui, P Sarmah
Proceedings of Tonal Aspects of Languages, 2018
North East Indian Linguistics: volume 3
G Hyslop, S Morey, MW Post
Cambridge University Press, 2011
Analysis and modeling of dialect information in Ao, a low resource language
M Tzudir, P Sarmah, SR Prasanna
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149 (5), 2976-2987, 2021
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Articles 1–20