Abhay Raj Singh Gautam
Abhay Raj Singh Gautam
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Atomic resolution imaging of grain boundary defects in monolayer chemical vapor deposition-grown hexagonal boron nitride
AL Gibb, N Alem, JH Chen, KJ Erickson, J Ciston, A Gautam, M Linck, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (18), 6758-6761, 2013
Controlled growth of a line defect in graphene and implications for gate-tunable valley filtering
JH Chen, G Autès, N Alem, F Gargiulo, A Gautam, M Linck, C Kisielowski, ...
Physical Review B 89 (12), 121407, 2014
Highly monodisperse core–shell particles created by solid-state reactions
V Radmilovic, C Ophus, EA Marquis, MD Rossell, A Tolley, A Gautam, ...
Nature materials 10 (9), 710-715, 2011
Formic acid oxidation on Pt–Au nanoparticles: relation between the catalyst activity and the poisoning rate
MD Obradović, JR Rogan, BM Babić, AV Tripković, ARS Gautam, ...
Journal of Power Sources 197, 72-79, 2012
Scalable synthesis of atomically thin gallium telluride nanosheets for supercapacitor applications
S Siddique, CC Gowda, R Tromer, S Demiss, ARS Gautam, OE Femi, ...
ACS applied nano materials 4 (5), 4829-4838, 2021
Step coalescence by collective motion at an incommensurate grain boundary
ML Bowers, C Ophus, A Gautam, F Lancon, U Dahmen
Physical review letters 116 (10), 106102, 2016
A method to predict the orientation relationship, interface planes and morphology between a crystalline precipitate and matrix. Part I. Approach
ARS Gautam, JM Howe
Philosophical Magazine 91 (24), 3203-3227, 2011
Low bandgap high entropy alloy for visible light-assisted photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceutically active compounds: Performance assessment and mechanistic insights
S Das, M Sanjay, ARS Gautam, R Behera, CS Tiwary, S Chowdhury
Journal of Environmental Management 342, 118081, 2023
Atomic-level dynamic behavior of a diffuse interphase boundary in an Au–Cu alloy
JM Howe, ARS Gautam, K Chatterjee, F Phillipp
Acta materialia 55 (6), 2159-2171, 2007
Synthesis of complex nanoparticle geometries via pH-controlled overgrowth of gold nanorods
V Thambi, A Kar, P Ghosh, D Paital, ARS Gautam, S Khatua
ACS omega 4 (9), 13733-13739, 2019
KSpaceNavigator as a tool for computer-assisted sample tilting in high-resolution imaging, tomography and defect analysis
T Duden, A Gautam, U Dahmen
Ultramicroscopy 111 (11), 1574-1580, 2011
Investigation of the interface between SLM processed nickel alloy on a cast iron substrate
R Sebastian, AK Singh, M Paliwal, A Gautam
Progress in Additive Manufacturing 4, 131-142, 2019
Electron tomography analysis of reaction path during formation of nanoporous NiO by solid state decomposition
AK Shukla, P Ercius, ARS Gautam, J Cabana, U Dahmen
Crystal growth & design 14 (5), 2453-2459, 2014
Atomic structure characterization of an incommensurate grain boundary
A Gautam, C Ophus, F Lancon, V Radmilovic, U Dahmen
Acta materialia 61 (13), 5078-5086, 2013
Non-stoichiometric amorphous TiOx as a highly reactive, transparent anti-viral surface coating
RT Mittireddi, NM Patel, ARS Gautam, V Soppina, E Panda
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 881, 160610, 2021
A method to predict the orientation relationship, interface planes and morphology between a crystalline precipitate and matrix: part II–application
ARS Gautam, JM Howe
Philosophical Magazine 93 (25), 3472-3490, 2013
In situ TEM study of Au–Cu alloy nanoparticle migration and coalescence
ARS Gautam, JM Howe
Journal of materials science 44 (2), 601-607, 2009
Effect of particle size on additive manufacturing of complex architecture of silicon carbide
A Jana, M Das, S Tiwari, SS Basha, ARS Gautam, SK Panda, R Mitra, ...
Ceramics International 49 (11), 17396-17404, 2023
Core–shell Au@ AuAg nano-peanuts for the catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol: critical role of hollow interior and broken shell structure
V Thambi, ARS Gautam, S Khatua
Nanoscale Advances 2 (10), 4841-4852, 2020
High resolution observations of interface dynamics using a direct electron detection camera
T Radetic, A Gautam, C Ophus, C Czarnik, U Dahmen
Microscopy and Microanalysis 20 (S3), 1594-1595, 2014
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Articles 1–20