Automatic crack classification and segmentation on masonry surfaces using convolutional neural networks and transfer learning D Dais, IE Bal, E Smyrou, V Sarhosis Automation in Construction 125, 103606, 2021 | 341 | 2021 |
Detailed assessment of structural characteristics of Turkish RC building stock for loss assessment models İE Bal, H Crowley, R Pinho, FG Gülay Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 28 (10-11), 914-932, 2008 | 246 | 2008 |
Seismic behavior of two exterior beam–column connections made of normal-strength concrete developed for precast construction E Yuksel, HF Karadogan, IE Bal, A Ilki, A Bal, P Inci Engineering Structures 99, 157-172, 2015 | 123 | 2015 |
Seismic amplification at avcilar, Istanbul SS Tezcan, E Kaya, I Engin Bal, Z Ozdemir Engineering structures 24 (5), 661-667, 2002 | 97 | 2002 |
Displacement-based earthquake loss assessment for an earthquake scenario in Istanbul IE Bal, H Crowley, R Pinho Journal of Earthquake Engineering 12 (S2), 12-22, 2008 | 80 | 2008 |
The influence of geographical resolution of urban exposure data in an earthquake loss model for Istanbul IE Bal, JJ Bommer, PJ Stafford, H Crowley, R Pinho Earthquake Spectra 26 (3), 619-634, 2010 | 79 | 2010 |
A comparative study of European earthquake loss estimation tools for a scenario in Istanbul FO Strasser, JJ Bommer, K Şeşetyan, M Erdik, Z Çağnan, J Irizarry, ... Journal of Earthquake Engineering 12 (S2), 246-256, 2008 | 74 | 2008 |
Structural characteristics of Turkish RC building stock in Northern Marmara region for loss assessment applications IE Bal, H Crowley, RUIJ SILVA MOURA PINHO, FG Gulay IUSS Press, 2007 | 71 | 2007 |
External jacketing of unreinforced historical masonry piers with open-grid basalt-reinforced mortar PE Mezrea, IA Yilmaz, M Ispir, E Binbir, IE Bal, A Ilki Journal of Composites for Construction 21 (3), 04016110, 2017 | 70 | 2017 |
Displacement-based earthquake loss assessment: Method development and application to Turkish building stock IE Bal, H Crowley, RUIJ SILVA MOURA PINHO IUSS Press, 2010 | 55 | 2010 |
Ground motions versus geotechnical and structural damage in the February 2011 Christchurch earthquake E Smyrou, P Tasiopoulou, İE Bal, G Gazetas Seismological research letters 82 (6), 882-892, 2011 | 50 | 2011 |
Damage observations of RC buildings from 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquake sequence and discussion on the seismic code regulations E Vuran, C Serhatoğlu, MÖ Timurağaoğlu, E Smyrou, İE Bal, R Livaoğlu Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 1-30, 2024 | 43 | 2024 |
Behaviour of steel cushions subjected to combined actions E Yüksel, F Karadoğan, H Özkaynak, A Khajehdehi, A Güllü, E Smyrou, ... Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16, 707-729, 2018 | 36 | 2018 |
External confinement of brick masonry columns with open-grid basalt reinforced mortar IA Yilmaz, PE Mezrea, M Ispir, E Binbir, IE Bal, A Ilki Swinburne, 2013 | 36 | 2013 |
Betonarme binaların göçme riskinin belirlenmesi için P25 hızlı değerlendirme yöntemi İE Bal, SS Tezcan, FG Gülay Altıncı Ulusal Deprem Mühendisliği Konferansı, İstanbul, 661-674, 2007 | 36 | 2007 |
Diagonal tensile tests on historical brick masonry wallets strengthened with fabric reinforced cementitious mortar PE Mezrea, M Ispir, IA Balci, IE Bal, A Ilki Structures 33, 935-946, 2021 | 35 | 2021 |
P25 scoring method for the collapse vulnerability assessment of R/C buildings SS Tezcan, IE Bal, FG Gulay Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 34 (6), 769-781, 2011 | 34 | 2011 |
Evaluation of modelling strategies for estimating cumulative damage on Groningen masonry buildings due to recursive induced earthquakes V Sarhosis, D Dais, E Smyrou, İE Bal Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 17, 4689-4710, 2019 | 33 | 2019 |
Displacement of the buildings according to site-specific earthquake spectra E Işık, M Kutanis, IE Bal Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 60 (1), 37-43, 2016 | 33 | 2016 |
A new approach for the preliminary seismic assessment of RC buildings: P25 scoring method IE Bal, FG Gulay, SS Tezcan Proceedings of 14th WCEE, 12-17, 2008 | 32 | 2008 |