Dong Woog Lee
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Cited by
Surface-initiated self-healing of polymers in aqueous media
BK Ahn, DW Lee, JN Israelachvili, JH Waite
Nature materials 13 (9), 867-872, 2014
Underwater contact adhesion and microarchitecture in polyelectrolyte complexes actuated by solvent exchange
Q Zhao, DW Lee, BK Ahn, S Seo, Y Kaufman, JN Israelachvili, JH Waite
Nature materials 15 (4), 407-412, 2016
Adaptive mechanically controlled lubrication mechanism found in articular joints
GW Greene, X Banquy, DW Lee, DD Lowrey, J Yu, JN Israelachvili
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (13), 5255-5259, 2011
Bioinspired bottle-brush polymer exhibits low friction and Amontons-like behavior
X Banquy, J Burdynska, DW Lee, K Matyjaszewski, J Israelachvili
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (17), 6199-6202, 2014
Developing a general interaction potential for hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions
SH Donaldson Jr, A Røyne, K Kristiansen, MV Rapp, S Das, MA Gebbie, ...
Langmuir 31 (7), 2051-2064, 2015
Strong adhesion and cohesion of chitosan in aqueous solutions
DW Lee, C Lim, JN Israelachvili, DS Hwang
Langmuir 29 (46), 14222-14229, 2013
Mobility of capped silver nanoparticles under environmentally relevant conditions
BJR Thio, MO Montes, MA Mahmoud, DW Lee, D Zhou, AA Keller
Environmental science & technology 46 (13), 6985-6991, 2012
Stick-slip friction and wear of articular joints
DW Lee, X Banquy, JN Israelachvili
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (7), E567-E574, 2013
Superaerophobic hydrogels for enhanced electrochemical and photoelectrochemical hydrogen production
D Jeon, J Park, C Shin, H Kim, JW Jang, DW Lee, J Ryu
Science Advances 6 (15), eaaz3944, 2020
Contact time-and pH-dependent adhesion and cohesion of low molecular weight chitosan coated surfaces
C Lim, DW Lee, JN Israelachvili, YS Jho, DS Hwang
Carbohydrate polymers 117, 887-894, 2015
Superaerophobic polyethyleneimine hydrogels for improving electrochemical hydrogen production by promoting bubble detachment
M Bae, Y Kang, DW Lee, D Jeon, J Ryu
Advanced Energy Materials 12 (29), 2201452, 2022
Intermolecular interactions of chitosan: Degree of acetylation and molecular weight
C Lim, DS Hwang, DW Lee
Carbohydrate Polymers 259, 117782, 2021
Simple-to-apply wetting model to predict thermodynamically stable and metastable contact angles on textured/rough/patterned surfaces
Y Kaufman, SY Chen, H Mishra, AM Schrader, DW Lee, S Das, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (10), 5642-5656, 2017
Relating domain size distribution to line tension and molecular dipole density in model cytoplasmic myelin lipid monolayers
DW Lee, Y Min, P Dhar, A Ramachandran, JN Israelachvili, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (23), 9425-9430, 2011
Time-dependent wetting behavior of PDMS surfaces with bioinspired, hierarchical structures
H Mishra, AM Schrader, DW Lee, A Gallo Jr, SY Chen, Y Kaufman, S Das, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 8 (12), 8168-8174, 2016
Significant performance enhancement of polymer resins by bioinspired dynamic bonding
S Seo, DW Lee, JS Ahn, K Cunha, E Filippidi, SW Ju, E Shin, BS Kim, ...
Advanced materials 29 (39), 1703026, 2017
Lipid domains control myelin basic protein adsorption and membrane interactions between model myelin lipid bilayers
DW Lee, X Banquy, K Kristiansen, Y Kaufman, JM Boggs, JN Israelachvili
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (8), E768-E775, 2014
Bioinspired polymers for lubrication and wear resistance
V Adibnia, M Mirbagheri, J Faivre, J Robert, J Lee, K Matyjaszewski, ...
Progress in Polymer Science 110, 101298, 2020
Mussel-inspired copolyether loop with superior antifouling behavior
E Shin, C Lim, UJ Kang, M Kim, J Park, D Kim, W Choi, J Hong, C Baig, ...
Macromolecules 53 (9), 3551-3562, 2020
Stretchable and recoverable acrylate-based pressure sensitive adhesives with high adhesion performance, optical clarity, and metal corrosion resistance
JH Lee, J Park, MH Myung, MJ Baek, HS Kim, DW Lee
Chemical Engineering Journal 406, 126800, 2021
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Articles 1–20