Mai Giménez
Mai Giménez
Other namesMaite Giménez Fayos
Research Engineer at Google Deepming
No verified email
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Gemini: a family of highly capable multimodal models
G Team, R Anil, S Borgeaud, JB Alayrac, J Yu, R Soricut, J Schalkwyk, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.11805, 2023
Gemini 1.5: Unlocking multimodal understanding across millions of tokens of context
G Team, P Georgiev, VI Lei, R Burnell, L Bai, A Gulati, G Tanzer, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.05530, 2024
A generalist agent
S Reed, K Zolna, E Parisotto, SG Colmenarejo, A Novikov, G Barth-Maron, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.06175, 2022
Mind the gap: Assessing temporal generalization in neural language models
A Lazaridou, A Kuncoro, E Gribovskaya, D Agrawal, A Liska, T Terzi, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 29348-29363, 2021
Semantic-based padding in convolutional neural networks for improving the performance in natural language processing. A case of study in sentiment analysis
M Gimenez, J Palanca, V Botti
Neurocomputing 378, 315-323, 2020
A generalist agent. arXiv 2022
S Reed, K Zolna, E Parisotto, SG Colmenarejo, A Novikov, G Barth-Maron, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.06175, 1-40, 0
Cyprien de Masson d’Autume, Tomas Kocisky, Sebastian Ruder, Dani Yogatama, Kris Cao, Susannah Young, and Phil Blunsom. 2021. Mind the Gap: Assessing Temporal Generalization in …
A Lazaridou, A Kuncoro, E Gribovskaya, D Agrawal, A Liska, T Terzi, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 29348-29363, 2021
Pitfalls of static language modelling
A Lazaridou, A Kuncoro, E Gribovskaya, D Agrawal, A Liska, T Terzi, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.01951, 2021
Overview of the 1st classification of spanish election tweets task at ibereval 2017
M Giménez, T Baviera, G Llorca, J Gámir, D Calvo, P Rosso, F Rangel
Notebook Papers of 2nd SEPLN Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language …, 2017
Cyprien de Masson d’Autume, Sebastian Ruder, Dani Yogatama, Kris Cao, Tomás Kociský, Susannah Young, and Phil Blunsom. 2021
A Lazaridou, A Kuncoro, E Gribovskaya, D Agrawal, A Liska, T Terzi, ...
Pitfalls of static language modelling. CoRR, abs/2102.01951, 0
El impacto de las emociones en el análisis de la polaridad en textos con lenguaje figurado en Twitter
MA Escortell Pérez
Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017
Personality recognition using convolutional neural networks
M Gimenez, R Paredes, P Rosso
International conference on computational linguistics and intelligent text …, 2017
ELiRF-UPV en TweetLID: Identificación del Idioma en Twitter.
LF Hurtado, F Pla, M Giménez, ES Arnal
TweetLID@ SEPLN, 35-38, 2014
Rassel: Robot assistant for the elderly
M Giménez, J Jordán, J Palanca, J Rincon
Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Special Sessions II, 15th …, 2020
ELiRF: a SVM approach for SA tasks in Twitter at SemEval-2015
M Giménez, F Pla, LF Hurtado
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2015
Automatic categorization of educational videos according to learning styles
MA Ciurez, MC Mihaescu, M Giménez, S Heras, J Palanca, V Julian
2019 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer …, 2019
ELiRF at MediaEval 2014: Query by Example Search on Speech Task (QUESST).
M Calvo, M Giménez, LF Hurtado, ES Arnal, JA Gómez
MediaEval, 2014
Segmenting Target Audiences: Automatic Author Profiling using Tweets: Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2015
Working Notes of CLEF 2015-Conference and Labs of the Evaluation forum 1391, 1-7, 2015
PRHLT at PR-SOCO: A Regression Model for Predicting Personality Traits from Source Code.
M Giménez, R Paredes
FIRE (Working Notes), 38-42, 2016
Language identification with limited resources
E Sanchis, M Giménez, LF Hurtado
V Jornadas TIMM, 7-10, 2014
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Articles 1–20