Cristiana L. Lara
Cristiana L. Lara
Senior Research Scientist, Amazon
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Cited by
Deterministic electric power infrastructure planning: Mixed-integer programming model and nested decomposition algorithm
CL Lara, DS Mallapragada, DJ Papageorgiou, A Venkatesh, ...
European Journal of Operational Research 271 (3), 1037-1054, 2018
Impact of model resolution on scenario outcomes for electricity sector system expansion
DS Mallapragada, DJ Papageorgiou, A Venkatesh, CL Lara, ...
Energy 163, 1231-1244, 2018
Electric power infrastructure planning under uncertainty: stochastic dual dynamic integer programming (SDDiP) and parallelization scheme
CL Lara, JD Siirola, IE Grossmann
Optimization and Engineering 21, 1243-1281, 2020
Global optimization algorithm for capacitated multi-facility continuous location-allocation problems
CL Lara, F Trespalacios, IE Grossmann
Journal of Global Optimization 71 (4), 871-889, 2018
Global optimization algorithm for multi-period design and planning of centralized and distributed manufacturing networks
CL Lara, DE Bernal, C Li, IE Grossmann
Computers & Chemical Engineering 127, 295-310, 2019
Global optimization for a continuous location-allocation model for centralized and distributed manufacturing
CL Lara, IE Grossmann
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 38, 1009-1014, 2016
Scalable Timing-Aware Network Design via Lagrangian Decomposition
CL Lara, J Koenemann, Y Nie, CC de Souza
European Journal of Operational Research 309 (Issue 1), Pages 152-169, 2023
The future of supply chain-a perspective from the process and online retail industries
CL Lara, J Wassick
Computers & Chemical Engineering 179, 108401, 2023
Expanding the scope of electric power infrastructure planning
CL Lara, B Omell, D Miller, IE Grossmann
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 44, 1309-1314, 2018
Future of Supply Chain: Challenges, Trends, and Prospects
CL Lara, J Wassick
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.13174, 2023
Global optimization algorithm for multi-period design and planning of centralized and distributed manufacturing networks
C Lara, I Grossmann
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 43, 1261-1262, 2018
Grid-level modeling: Opportunities and program plan.
JD Siirola, JP Watson, C Lara, I Grossmann
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2018
MILP formulation and Nested decomposition algorithm for electric powerinfrastructure planning
CL Lara, I Grossmann
2017 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2017
Scalable Timing-Aware Network Design
C Lara
Advanced Manufacturing and Processing Conference, 2022
Nested Decomposition Algorithms for Large-Scale Multi-Period and Multistage Stochastic Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Models
I Grossmann, CL Lara
2019 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2019
Decomposition Algorithms for Optimal Manufacturing and Power Systems Infrastructure Planning
C Lopes Lara
Carnegie Mellon University, 2019
Stochastic Programming Framework for Electric Power Infrastructure Planning
CL Lara, BP Omell, D Miller, I Grossmann
2018 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2018
Multi-Period Design and Planning of Centralized and Distributed Manufacturing Networks
CL Lara, C Wende, I Grossmann
2018 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2018
Multiscale Optimization Strategies for the Integrated Design, Planning and Scheduling of Process Systems
I Grossmann, B Brunaud, CL Lara, Q Zhang
2017 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2017
Electric power infrastructure planning: mixed-integer programming model and nested decomposition algorithm
CL Lara, D Mallapragada, D Papageorgiou, A Venkatesh, IE Grossmann
European Journal of Operational Research 271 (3), 1037-1054, 2017
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Articles 1–20