Nicolas Tetreault
Nicolas Tetreault
Director, Center for Climate Impact and Action (CLIMACT)
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Cited by
Effect of annealing temperature on film morphology of organic–inorganic hybrid pervoskite solid‐state solar cells
A Dualeh, N Tétreault, T Moehl, P Gao, MK Nazeeruddin, M Grätzel
Advanced Functional Materials 24 (21), 3250-3258, 2014
Inorganic hole conductor-based lead halide perovskite solar cells with 12.4% conversion efficiency
P Qin, S Tanaka, S Ito, N Tetreault, K Manabe, H Nishino, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3834, 2014
Passivating surface states on water splitting hematite photoanodes with alumina overlayers
F Le Formal, N Tetreault, M Cornuz, T Moehl, M Grätzel, K Sivula
Chemical Science 2 (4), 737-743, 2011
Impedance spectroscopic analysis of lead iodide perovskite-sensitized solid-state solar cells
A Dualeh, T Moehl, N Tétreault, J Teuscher, P Gao, MK Nazeeruddin, ...
ACS nano 8 (1), 362-373, 2014
Efficient near-infrared-transparent perovskite solar cells enabling direct comparison of 4-terminal and monolithic perovskite/silicon tandem cells
J Werner, L Barraud, A Walter, M Bräuninger, F Sahli, D Sacchetto, ...
ACS Energy Letters 1 (2), 474-480, 2016
Dye-sensitized solar cell based on a three-dimensional photonic crystal
S Guldin, S Huttner, M Kolle, ME Welland, P Muller-Buschbaum, ...
Nano letters 10 (7), 2303-2309, 2010
Pore‐filling of spiro‐OMeTAD in solid‐state dye sensitized solar cells: quantification, mechanism, and consequences for device performance
IK Ding, N Tétreault, J Brillet, BE Hardin, EH Smith, SJ Rosenthal, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 19 (15), 2431-2436, 2009
New route to three‐dimensional photonic bandgap materials: silicon double inversion of polymer templates
N Tétreault, G von Freymann, M Deubel, M Hermatschweiler, ...
Advanced Materials 18 (4), 457-460, 2006
Cathodic shift in onset potential of solar oxygen evolution on hematite by 13-group oxide overlayers
T Hisatomi, F Le Formal, M Cornuz, J Brillet, N Tétreault, K Sivula, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 4 (7), 2512-2515, 2011
Electrochemical Characterization of TiO2 Blocking Layers for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
L Kavan, N Tétreault, T Moehl, M Grätzel
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (30), 16408-16418, 2014
Subnanometer Ga2O3 Tunnelling Layer by Atomic Layer Deposition to Achieve 1.1 V Open-Circuit Potential in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
AK Chandiran, N Tetreault, R Humphry-Baker, F Kessler, E Baranoff, C Yi, ...
Nano letters 12 (8), 3941-3947, 2012
Yttrium-substituted nanocrystalline TiO 2 photoanodes for perovskite based heterojunction solar cells
P Qin, AL Domanski, AK Chandiran, R Berger, HJ Butt, MI Dar, T Moehl, ...
Nanoscale 6 (3), 1508-1514, 2014
Novel nanostructures for next generation dye-sensitized solar cells
N Tétreault, M Grätzel
Energy & Environmental Science 5 (9), 8506-8516, 2012
The Effect of Hole Transport Material Pore Filling on Photovoltaic Performance in Solid‐State Dye‐Sensitized Solar Cells
J Melas‐Kyriazi, IK Ding, A Marchioro, A Punzi, BE Hardin, GF Burkhard, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 1 (3), 407-414, 2011
Block copolymers under periodic, strong three-dimensional confinement
AC Arsenault, DA Rider, N Tétreault, JIL Chen, N Coombs, GA Ozin, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (28), 9954-9955, 2005
High-efficiency dye-sensitized solar cell with three-dimensional photoanode
N Tétreault, É Arsenault, LP Heiniger, N Soheilnia, J Brillet, T Moehl, ...
Nano letters 11 (11), 4579-4584, 2011
Towards the synthetic all-optical computer: science fiction or reality?
A Arsenault, S Fournier-Bidoz, B Hatton, H Míguez, N Tétreault, E Vekris, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 14 (5), 781-794, 2004
Dielectric planar defects in colloidal photonic crystal films
N Tétreault, A Mihi, H Míguez, I Rodríguez, GA Ozin, F Meseguer, V Kitaev
Advanced Materials 16 (4), 346-349, 2004
High-Efficiency Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Fast Charge Extraction through Self-Assembled 3D Fibrous Network of Crystalline TiO2 Nanowires
N Tetreault, E Horvath, T Moehl, J Brillet, R Smajda, S Bungener, N Cai, ...
ACS nano 4 (12), 7644-7650, 2010
Silicon inverse opal—a platform for photonic bandgap research
N Tetreault, H Míguez, GA Ozin
Advanced Materials 16 (16), 1471-1476, 2004
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Articles 1–20