Diana Botelho Reis
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Cited by
Meta-analysis approach to the effects of live prey on the growth of Octopus vulgaris paralarvae under culture conditions.
D Garrido, VM Martin, C Rodríguez, J Iglesias, JC Navarro, A Estévez, ...
Reviews in Aquaculture 10 (1), 3-14, 2018
In vivo metabolism of unsaturated fatty acids in Octopus vulgaris hatchlings determined by incubation with 14C-labelled fatty acids added directly to seawater as protein complexes
DB Reis, NG Acosta, E Almansa, JC Navarro, DR Tocher, O Monroig, ...
Aquaculture 431, 28-33, 2014
An insight on Octopus vulgaris paralarvae lipid requirements under rearing conditions
DB Reis, I García‐Herrero, R Riera, BC Felipe, C Rodríguez, AV Sykes, ...
Aquaculture Nutrition 21 (6), 797-806, 2015
Effect of Artemia inherent fatty acid metabolism on the bioavailability of essential fatty acids for Octopus vulgaris paralarvae development
DB Reis, NG Acosta, E Almansa, D Garrido, JP Andrade, AV Sykes, ...
Aquaculture 500, 264-271, 2019
Comparative study on fatty acid metabolism of early stages of two crustacean species: Artemia sp. metanauplii and Grapsus adscensionis zoeae, as live prey for marine animals
DB Reis, NG Acosta, E Almansa, JC Navarro, DR Tocher, JP Andrade, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular …, 2017
Methyl-end desaturases with∆ 12 and ω3 regioselectivities enable the de novo PUFA biosynthesis in the cephalopod Octopus vulgaris
D Garrido, N Kabeya, F Hontoria, JC Navarro, DB Reis, MV Martín, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids …, 2019
Influence of salinity and linoleic or α-linolenic acid based diets on ontogenetic development and metabolism of unsaturated fatty acids in pike perch larvae (Sander lucioperca)
I Lund, C Rodríguez, MS Izquierdo, N El Kertaoui, P Kestemont, DB Reis, ...
Aquaculture 500, 550-561, 2019
Composition and metabolism of phospholipids in Octopus vulgaris and Sepia officinalis hatchlings
DB Reis, NG Acosta, E Almansa, DR Tocher, JP Andrade, AV Sykes, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular …, 2016
In vivo metabolism of unsaturated fatty acids in Sepia officinalis hatchlings
DB Reis, C Rodriguez, NG Acosta, E Almansa, DR Tocher, JP Andrade, ...
Aquaculture 450, 67-73, 2016
Lipid characterization of 14 macroalgal species from Madeira Archipelago: implications for animal and human nutrition
A Galindo, DB Reis, I Rodríguez, JA Pérez, B Abdul-Jalbar, R Zárate, ...
Botanica Marina 65 (1), 51-67, 2022
Esterification and modification of [1-14C] n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) larvae reared under linoleic or α-linolenic acid-based diets …
DB Reis, JA Pérez, I Lund, NG Acosta, B Abdul-Jalbar, A Bolaños, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular …, 2020
Effects of feeding with different live preys on the lipid composition, growth and survival of Octopus vulgaris paralarvae
DB Reis, A Shcherbakova, R Riera, VM Martín, P Domingues, JP Andrade, ...
Aquacutlure Reseach, 1-12, 2020
Ontogenetic changes in digestive enzyme activity and biochemical indices of larval and postlarval European lobster (Homarus gammarus, L)
R Goncalves, M Gesto, C Rodríguez, DB Reis, JA Pérez, I Lund
Marine Biology 169 (5), 53, 2022
Stroke due to Percheron artery occlusion: description of a consecutive case series from southern Portugal
M Macedo, D Reis, G Cerullo, A Florêncio, C Frias, L Aleluia, J Drago, ...
Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 13 (1), 151, 2022
Assessment of lipid uptake and fatty acid metabolism of European eel larvae (Anguilla anguilla) determined by 14C in vivo incubation
I Lund, DB Reis, J Tomkiewicz, E Benini, JA Pérez, JS Kottmann, ...
Aquaculture 531, 735858, 2021
In vivo biosynthesis of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids by the euryhaline rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis)
JA Pérez, DB Reis, D Ramírez, NG Acosta, R Dorta-Guerra, S Jerez, ...
Aquaculture 560, 738415, 2022
Valorization of Seaweed Wracks: Inclusion as Additive in Diets for Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)
A Galindo, C Rodríguez, DB Reis, M Marrero, NG Acosta, MC Barreto, ...
Aquaculture Nutrition 2022 (1), 6992682, 2022
Reproductive investment and fecundity of the red rock crab (Grapsus adscensionis) in Tenerife (Canary Islands, NE Atlantic Ocean)
A Shcherbakova, R Riera Elena, E Almansa, B Felipe, C Rodríguez, ...
Vieraea: Folia Scientarum Biologicarum Canariensium, 2011
The lipid metabolism of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus, L.) larvae determined by 14C in vivo incubations
DB Reis, JA Pérez, K Hamre, NG Acosta, B Norberg, T Harboe, ...
Aquaculture 540, 736733, 2021
A general survey of the feasibility of culturing the mysid Gastrosaccus roscoffensis (Peracarida, Mysida): Growth, survival, predatory skills, and lipid composition
A Escánez, R Riera, L Márquez, A Skalli, BC Felipe, I García-Herrero, ...
Ciencias marinas 38 (3), 475-490, 2012
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Articles 1–20