Oded Beja
Oded Beja
Technion, Israel
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Bacterial rhodopsin: evidence for a new type of phototrophy in the sea
O Béja, L Aravind, EV Koonin, MT Suzuki, A Hadd, LP Nguyen, ...
Science 289 (5486), 1902-1906, 2000
Proteorhodopsin phototrophy in the ocean
O Béjà, EN Spudich, JL Spudich, EF DeLong
Nature 411, 786-789, 2001
Unsuspected diversity among marine aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs
O Béjà, MT Suzuki, JF Heidelberg, WC Nelson, CM Preston, T Hamada, ...
Nature 415 (6872), 630-633, 2002
Construction and analysis of bacterial artificial chromosome libraries from a marine microbial assemblage
O Béjà, MT Suzuki, EV Koonin, L Aravind, A Hadd, LP Nguyen, ...
Environmental Microbiology 2 (5), 516-529, 2000
Diversification and spectral tuning in marine proteorhodopsins
D Man, W Wang, G Sabehi, L Aravind, AF Post, R Massana, EN Spudich, ...
The EMBO journal, 2003
Proteorhodopsin genes are distributed among divergent marine bacterial taxa
JR de la Torre, LM Christianson, O Béja, MT Suzuki, DM Karl, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (22), 12830-12835, 2003
New insights into metabolic properties of marine bacteria encoding proteorhodopsins
G Sabehi, A Loy, KH Jung, R Partha, JL Spudich, T Isaacson, ...
PLoS biology 3 (8), e273, 2005
A distinct abundant group of microbial rhodopsins discovered using functional metagenomics
A Pushkarev, K Inoue, S Larom, J Flores-Uribe, M Singh, M Konno, ...
Nature 558 (7711), 595-599, 2018
Photosystem I gene cassettes are present in marine virus genomes
I Sharon, A Alperovitch, F Rohwer, M Haynes, F Glaser, ...
Nature 461 (7261), 258-262, 2009
Comparative genomic analysis of archaeal genotypic variants in a single population and in two different oceanic provinces
O Béjà, EV Koonin, L Aravind, LT Taylor, H Seitz, JL Stein, DC Bensen, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68 (1), 335-345, 2002
Potential photosynthesis gene recombination between Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus via viral intermediates
G Zeidner, JP Bielawski, M Shmoish, DJ Scanlan, G Sabehi, O Béjà
Environmental microbiology 7 (10), 1505-1513, 2005
Marine bacterial and archaeal ion-pumping rhodopsins: genetic diversity, physiology, and ecology
J Pinhassi, EF DeLong, O Béjà, JM González, C Pedrós-Alió
Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 80 (4), 929-954, 2016
Phylogenetic analysis of ribosomal RNA operons from uncultivated coastal marine bacterioplankton
MT Suzuki, O Béjà, LT Taylor, EF DeLong
Environmental Microbiology 3 (5), 323-331, 2001
Assessing diversity and biogeography of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in surface waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans using the Global Ocean Sampling expedition …
N Yutin, MT Suzuki, H Teeling, M Weber, JC Venter, DB Rusch, O Béjà
Environmental Microbiology 9 (6), 1464-1475, 2007
Reverse dissimilatory sulfite reductase as phylogenetic marker for a subgroup of sulfur‐oxidizing prokaryotes
A Loy, S Duller, C Baranyi, M Mußmann, J Ott, I Sharon, O Béjà, ...
Environmental microbiology 11 (2), 289-299, 2009
Isolation and characterization of Erythrobacter sp. strains from the upper ocean
M Koblížek, O Béjà, RR Bidigare, S Christensen, B Benitez-Nelson, ...
Archives of microbiology 180, 327-338, 2003
Comparative metagenomics of microbial traits within oceanic viral communities
I Sharon, N Battchikova, EM Aro, C Giglione, T Meinnel, F Glaser, ...
The ISME journal 5 (7), 1178-1190, 2011
The light-driven proton pump proteorhodopsin enhances bacterial survival during tough times
EF DeLong, O Beja
PLoS biology 8 (4), e1000359, 2010
Microbial rhodopsins: the last two decades
A Rozenberg, K Inoue, H Kandori, O Béjà
Annual review of microbiology 75 (1), 427-447, 2021
Comparative community genomics in the Dead Sea: an increasingly extreme environment
I Bodaker, I Sharon, MT Suzuki, R Feingersch, M Shmoish, ...
The ISME journal 4 (3), 399-407, 2010
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