Mustapha Douch
Cited by
Cited by
The bilateral trade effects of announcement shocks: Brexit as a natural field experiment
M Douch, TH Edwards
Journal of Applied Econometrics 37 (2), 305-329, 2022
The trade effects of the Brexit announcement shock
M Douch, TH Edwards, C Soegaard
Warwick Economics Research Papers 1176, 2018
Aid effectiveness: Human rights as a conditionality measure
M Douch, H Edwards, T Landman, S Mallick
World Development 158, 105978, 2022
The Brexit policy shock: Were UK services exports affected, and when?
M Douch, TH Edwards
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 182, 248-263, 2021
Defying gravity? Policy uncertainty, trade destruction and diversion
M Douch, J Du, E Vanino
Lloyds Banking Group Centre for Business Prosperity, Research Paper No 3, 2020
Productivity debacle in the UK: Do post‐crisis firm cohorts explain the performance puzzle?
M Douch, H Edwards, S Mallick
British Journal of Management 34 (3), 1459-1487, 2023
Individual and Institutional Ownership, Firm Age and Productivity
M Du, J., Mickiewicz, T. & Douch
Journal of Competitiveness 13 (1), p. 23-41, 0
Individual and Institutional Ownership, Firm Age and Productivity
J Du, T Mickiewicz, M Douch
Uncovering spatial productivity centers using asymmetric bidirectional spillovers
AJ Glass, K Kenjegalieva, M Douch
European Journal of Operational Research 285 (2), 767-788, 2020
Coronavirus won’t kill globalisation–but a shakeup is inevitable
J Du, A Delis, M Douch, O Shepotylo
The Conversation 23 (5.2020), 2020
Defying gravity? Policy uncertainty and trade diversion
M Douch, J Du, E Vanino
Lloyds banking centre for business prosperity research paper, 2019
Lessons from China: This is how COVID-19 could affect globalization
J Du, A Delis, M Douch, O Shepotylo
World Economic Forum, 2020
UK services exports in the aftermath of the Brexit announcement shock
M Douch, TH Edwards, C Soegaard
Warwick Economics Research Paper Series 1182, 2018
The Great Trade Collapse and the determinants of UK export margins: A cohort‐and firm‐level matching approach
M Douch, TH Edwards, J Van Hove, J Kren
The World Economy 44 (10), 2838-2857, 2021
The effect of policy uncertainty on South Africa, SADC, and beyond
M Douch
WIDER Working Paper, 2020
Infrastructure and Productivity: A Review
J Du, M Douch
West Midland Combined Authority, Productivity and Skills Commission, Birmingham, 2018
A briefing on the UK's choice of trade arrangements outside of the EU
M Douch, TH Edwards, A Milne
Available at SSRN 3002673, 2017
The heterogeneous effect of uncertainty on firms trade margins destruction and diversion
M Douch, J Du, E Vanino
The Sheffield Economic Research Paper Series (SERPS) 2022002 (2022002), 2022
UK Trae in the new era of globalised world
A Delis, M Douch, J Du, C Ioanidis, SL Torres, E Vanino
Lloyds Banking Group Centre for Business Prosperity White Paper.[Google Scholar], 2018
The UK Productivity Puzzle: Does Firm Cohort matter for their Performance following the Financial Crisis?
M Douch, TH Edwards, SK Mallick
Lietuvos Bankas, 2022
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Articles 1–20