Lee Schulz
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Cited by
COVID-19 and the agri-food system in the United States and Canada
A Weersink, M Von Massow, N Bannon, J Ifft, J Maples, K McEwan, ...
Agricultural Systems 188, 103039, 2021
Beef and pork marketing margins and price spreads during COVID‐19
JL Lusk, GT Tonsor, LL Schulz
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 43 (1), 4-23, 2021
Assessment of the economic impacts of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in the United States
LL Schulz, GT Tonsor
Journal of animal science 93 (11), 5111-5118, 2015
Cow‐calf producer preferences for voluntary traceability systems
LL Schulz, GT Tonsor
Journal of Agricultural Economics 61 (1), 138-162, 2010
A descriptive analysis of the COVID‐19 impacts on US pork, turkey, and egg markets
DJ Hayes, LL Schulz, CE Hart, KL Jacobs
Agribusiness 37 (1), 122-141, 2021
Impact of health challenges on pig growth performance, carcass characteristics, and net returns under commercial conditions
AS Cornelison, LA Karriker, NH Williams, BJ Haberl, KJ Stalder, ...
Translational Animal Science 2 (1), 50-61, 2018
Value of beef steak branding: Hedonic analysis of retail scanner data
LL Schulz, TC Schroeder, KL White
Agricultural and resource economics review 41 (2), 260-273, 2012
The impact of COVID-19 on Iowa's corn, soybean, ethanol, pork, and beef sectors
CE Hart, DJ Hayes, KL Jacobs, LL Schulz, JM Crespi
Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, 2020
Factors affecting feeder cattle prices in Kansas and Missouri
L Schulz, K Dhuyvetter, K Harborth, J Waggoner
K-State Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University …, 2010
An economic analysis of sow retention in a United States breed-to-wean system
TR Gruhot, JAC Díaz, TJ Baas, KC Dhuyvetter, LL Schulz, KK Stalder
Journal of Swine Health and Production 25 (5), 238-246, 2017
Regional and plant-size impacts of COVID-19 on beef processing
JD Bina, GT Tonsor, LL Schulz, WF Hahn
Food Policy 108, 102247, 2022
Adoption of secure pork supply plan biosecurity by US swine producers
CC Pudenz, LL Schulz, GT Tonsor
Frontiers in veterinary science 6, 146, 2019
The Impact of the 2018 Trade Disruptions on the Iowa Economy
E Balistreri, D Hayes, W Zhang, J Crespi, M Li, C Hart, D Swenson, ...
Factors affecting preconditioned calf price premiums: Does potential buyer competition and seller reputation matter?
LL Schulz, KC Dhuyvetter, BE Doran
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 220-241, 2015
Cow-calf producer perceptions regarding individual animal traceability
LL Schulz, GT Tonsor
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 42 (4), 659-677, 2010
Studying composite demand using scanner data: the case of ground beef in the US
LL Schulz, TC Schroeder, T Xia
Agricultural Economics 43, 49-57, 2012
COVID-19 impacts on the meat processing sector
G Tonsor, L Schulz
CAST Commentary: Economic Impacts of COVID-19 on Food and Agricultural …, 2020
A baseline study of labor issues and trends in US pork production
C Boessen, G Artz, L Schulz
National Pork Producers Council, Urbandale, IA, USA, 2018
Will an incentive‐compatible indemnity policy please stand up? Livestock producer willingness to self‐protect
GT Tonsor, LL Schulz
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 67 (6), 2713-2730, 2020
The US gestation stall debate
LL Schulz, GT Tonsor
Choices 30 (1), 1-7, 2015
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Articles 1–20