Giovanni Alessandrini
Giovanni Alessandrini
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Cited by
Stable determination of conductivity by boundary measurements
G Alessandrini
Applicable Analysis 27 (1-3), 153-172, 1988
The stability for the Cauchy problem for elliptic equations
G Alessandrini, L Rondi, E Rosset, S Vessella
Inverse problems 25 (12), 123004, 2009
Singular solutions of elliptic equations and the determination of conductivity by boundary measurements
G Alessandrini
Journal of Differential Equations 84 (2), 252-272, 1990
Lipschitz stability for the inverse conductivity problem
G Alessandrini, S Vessella
Advances in Applied Mathematics 35 (2), 207-241, 2005
Determining a sound-soft polyhedral scatterer by a single far-field measurement
G Alessandrini, L Rondi
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 133 (6), 1685-1691, 2005
Optimal stability for inverse elliptic boundary value problems with unknown boundaries
G Alessandrini, E Beretta, E Rosset, S Vessella
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa-Classe di Scienze 29 (4), 755-806, 2000
Univalent σ-harmonic mappings
G Alessandrini, V Nesi
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 158, 155-171, 2001
Stable determination of a crack from boundary measurements
G Alessandrini
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 123 (3 …, 1993
Elliptic equations in divergence form, geometric critical points of solutions, and Stekloff eigenfunctions
G Alessandrini, R Magnanini
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 25 (5), 1259-1268, 1994
An identification problem for an elliptic equation in two variables
G Alessandrini
Annali di matematica pura ed applicata 145 (1), 265-295, 1986
Stable determination of corrosion by a single electrostatic boundary measurement
G Alessandrini, L Del Piero, L Rondi
Inverse problems 19 (4), 973-984, 2003
Examples of instability in inverse boundary-value problems
G Alessandrini
Inverse Problems 13 (4), 887, 1997
Unique determination of multiple cracks by two measurements
G Alessandrini, AD Valenzuela
SIAM journal on control and optimization 34 (3), 913-921, 1996
Determining 2-dimensional cracks in 3-dimensional bodies: uniqueness and stability
G Alessandrini, E DiBenedetto
Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 1-82, 1997
Optimal size estimates for the inverse conductivity problem with one measurement
G Alessandrini, E Rosset, J Seo
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 128 (1), 53-64, 2000
Detecting an inclusion in an elastic body by boundary measurements
G Alessandrini, A Morassi, E Rosset
SIAM review 46 (3), 477-498, 2004
Nodal lines of eigenfunctions of the fixed membrane problem in general convex domains
G Alessandrini
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 69, 142-154, 1994
The inverse conductivity problem with one measurement: bounds on the size of the unknown object
E Rosset, G Alessandrini
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 58 (4), 1060-1071, 1998
The index of isolated critical points and solutions of elliptic equations in the plane
G Alessandrini, R Magnanini
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa-Classe di Scienze 19 (4), 567-589, 1992
Local uniqueness in the inverse conductivity problem with one measurement
G Alessandrini, V Isakov, J Powell
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 347 (8), 3031-3041, 1995
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Articles 1–20