Julia A. Boras
Julia A. Boras
Cosmetic Actives Manufacturer
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Unveiling the role and life strategies of viruses from the surface to the dark ocean
E Lara, D Vaqué, EL Sà, JA Boras, A Gomes, E Borrull, C Díez-Vives, ...
Science Advances 3 (9), e1602565, 2017
Contrasting effects of ocean acidification on the microbial food web under different trophic conditions
MM Sala, FL Aparicio, V Balagué, JA Boras, E Borrull, C Cardelús, L Cros, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 73 (3), 670-679, 2016
Annual changes of bacterial mortality due to viruses and protists in an oligotrophic coastal environment (NW Mediterranean)
JA Boras, MM Sala, E Vázquez‐Domínguez, MG Weinbauer, D Vaqué
Environmental microbiology 11 (5), 1181-1193, 2009
The impact of ice melting on bacterioplankton in the Arctic Ocean
MM Sala, JM Arrieta, JA Boras, CM Duarte, D Vaqué
Polar biology 33, 1683-1694, 2010
Effect of ice melting on bacterial carbon fluxes channelled by viruses and protists in the Arctic Ocean
JA Boras, MM Sala, JM Arrieta, EL Sa, J Felipe, S Agustí, CM Duarte, ...
Polar biology 33, 1695-1707, 2010
Experimental evaluation of the warming effect on viral, bacterial and protistan communities in two contrasting Arctic systems
E Lara, JM Arrieta, I Garcia-Zarandona, JA Boras, CM Duarte, S Agustí, ...
Aquatic Microbial Ecology 70, 17-32, 2013
Viruses and protists induced-mortality of prokaryotes around the antarctic peninsula during the austral summer
D Vaqué, JA Boras, F Torrent-Llagostera, S Agustí, JM Arrieta, E Lara, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 8, 241, 2017
Effect of viruses and protists on bacteria in eddies of the Canary Current region (subtropical northeast Atlantic)
JA Boras, M Montserrat Sala, F Baltar, J Arístegui, CM Duarte, D Vaqué
Limnology and oceanography 55 (2), 885-898, 2010
Enhanced viral activity in the surface microlayer of the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans
D Vaqué, JA Boras, JM Arrieta, S Agustí, CM Duarte, MM Sala
Microorganisms 9 (2), 317, 2021
Factors shaping bacterial phylogenetic and functional diversity in coastal waters of the NW Mediterranean Sea
JA Boras, D Vaqué, F Maynou, EL Sa, MG Weinbauer, MM Sala
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 154, 102-110, 2015
Viral-mediated microbe mortality modulated by ocean acidification and eutrophication: consequences for the carbon fluxes through the microbial food web
A Malits, JA Boras, V Balagué, E Calvo, JM Gasol, C Marrasé, C Pelejero, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 635821, 2021
Unveiling the role and life strategies of viruses from the surface to the dark ocean, Sci. Adv., 3, e1602565
E Lara, D Vaqué, EL Sà, JA Boras, A Gomes, E Borrull, C Díez-Vives, ...
Enhanced Viral Activity in the Surface Microlayer of the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans, Microorganisms, 9, 317
D Vaqué, JA Boras, JM Arrieta, S Agustí, CM Duarte, MM Sala
Effect of viruses on marine stramenopile (MAST) communities in an oligotrophic coastal marine system
A Saura, R Massana, JA Boras, I Forn, G Vila-Reixach, D Vaqué
Journal of plankton research 33 (11), 1709-1718, 2011
Vázquez− Domínguez, E., Weinbauer, MG, and Vaqué, D.(2009). Annual changes of bacterial mortality due to viruses and protists in an oligotrophic coastal environment (NW …
JA Boras, MM Sala
Environ. Microbiol 11, 1181-1193, 0
Impact of Viruses on Bacterial Communities in Marine Systems (PhD Thesis)
JA Boras
Contrasting effects of ocean acidification on the microbial food web under different trophic conditions
MM Montserrat Sala, FL Aparicio Bernat, V Balague, JA Boras, E Borull, ...
Oxford University Press, 2015
Determinación de la depredación bacteriana debida a protistas, mediante la desaparición en el tiempo de trazadores (bacterias marcadas con un compuesto fluorescente, FLB …
D Vaqué, JA Boras, E Lara, EL Sà
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), 2012
Determinación de la producción de virus como consecuencia de la lisis bacteriana
D Vaqué, JA Boras, E Lara, EL Sà
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), 2012
Establishing temperature thresholds and tipping points on bacterial carbon fluxes through viruses and protist in the Arctic Ocean
E Lara, I García-Zarandona, JM Arrieta López de Uralde, JA Boras, ...
Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, 2011
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