Sofia Papavlasopoulou
Empirical studies on the Maker Movement, a promising approach to learning: A literature review
S Papavlasopoulou, MN Giannakos, L Jaccheri
Entertainment Computing 18, 57-78, 2017
Exploring children's learning experience in constructionism-based coding activities through design-based research
S Papavlasopoulou, MN Giannakos, L Jaccheri
Computers in Human Behavior 99, 415-427, 2019
Identifying the combinations of motivations and emotions for creating satisfied users in SNSs: An fsQCA approach
IO Pappas, S Papavlasopoulou, P Mikalef, MN Giannakos
International Journal of Information Management 53, 102128, 2020
How do you feel about learning to code? Investigating the effect of children’s attitudes towards coding using eye-tracking
S Papavlasopoulou, K Sharma, MN Giannakos
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 17, 50-60, 2018
Coding activities for children: Coupling eye-tracking with qualitative data to investigate gender differences
S Papavlasopoulou, K Sharma, MN Giannakos
Computers in Human Behavior 105, 105939, 2020
Coding games and robots to enhance computational thinking: How collaboration and engagement moderate children’s attitudes?
K Sharma, S Papavlasopoulou, M Giannakos
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 21, 65-76, 2019
Fitbit for learning: Towards capturing the learning experience using wearable sensing
MN Giannakos, K Sharma, S Papavlasopoulou, IO Pappas, V Kostakos
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 136, 102384, 2020
Patterns in informal and non-formal science learning activities for children–A Europe-wide survey study
G Tisza, S Papavlasopoulou, D Christidou, N Iivari, M Kinnula, I Voulgari
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 25, 100184, 2020
Using eye-tracking to unveil differences between kids and teens in coding activities
S Papavlasopoulou, K Sharma, M Giannakos, L Jaccheri
proceedings of the 2017 conference on interaction design and children, 171-181, 2017
Games for artificial intelligence and machine learning education: Review and perspectives
M Giannakos, I Voulgari, S Papavlasopoulou, Z Papamitsiou, ...
Non-formal and informal science learning in the ICT era, 117-133, 2020
Using sensing technologies to explain children's self-representation in motion-based educational games
S Lee-Cultura, K Sharma, S Papavlasopoulou, S Retalis, M Giannakos
Proceedings of the interaction design and children conference, 541-555, 2020
The role of age and gender on implementing informal and non-formal science learning activities for children
G Tisza, S Papavlasopoulou, D Christidou, I Voulgari, N Iivari, ...
Proceedings of the FabLearn Europe 2019 Conference, 1-9, 2019
Reviewing the affordances of tangible programming languages: Implications for design and practice
S Papavlasopoulou, MN Giannakos, L Jaccheri
2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1811-1816, 2017
Joint emotional state of children and perceived collaborative experience in coding activities
K Sharma, S Papavlasopoulou, M Giannakos
Proceedings of the 18th ACM international conference on interaction design …, 2019
Monitoring children's learning through wearable eye-tracking: the case of a making-based coding activity
MN Giannakos, S Papavlasopoulou, K Sharma
IEEE Pervasive Computing 19 (1), 10-21, 2020
Children’s play and problem solving in motion-based educational games: Synergies between human annotations and multi-modal data
S Lee-Cultura, K Sharma, G Cosentino, S Papavlasopoulou, ...
Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children …, 2021
Make2Learn with IoT: Engaging children into joyful design and making of interactive connected objects
M Divitini, MN Giannakos, S Mora, S Papavlasopoulou, OS Iversen
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Interaction Design and Children, 757-760, 2017
Creative programming experiences for teenagers: attitudes, performance and gender differences
S Papavlasopoulou, MN Giannakos, L Jaccheri
Proceedings of the The 15th International Conference on Interaction Design …, 2016
Using the lens of science capital to capture and explore children’s attitudes toward science in an informal making-based space
D Christidou, S Papavlasopoulou, M Giannakos
Information and Learning Sciences 122 (5/6), 317-340, 2021
Motion-based educational games: Using multi-modal data to predict player’s performance
S Lee-Cultura, K Sharma, S Papavlasopoulou, M Giannakos
2020 IEEE conference on games (cog), 17-24, 2020
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