Sarfaraz Jelil
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Cited by
Spoof Detection Using Source, Instantaneous Frequency and Cepstral Features.
S Jelil, RK Das, SRM Prasanna, R Sinha
Interspeech, 22-26, 2017
Development of multi-level speech based person authentication system
RK Das, S Jelil, SR Mahadeva Prasanna
Journal of Signal Processing Systems 88, 259-271, 2017
Exploration of compressed ILPR features for replay attack detection
S Jelil, S Kalita, SM Prasanna, R Sinha
Development 8 (760), 950, 2018
SpeechMarker: A Voice Based Multi-Level Attendance Application.
S Jelil, A Shrivastava, RK Das, SRM Prasanna, R Sinha
Interspeech, 3665-3666, 2019
Significance of constraining text in limited data text-independent speaker verification
RK Das, S Jelil, SRM Prasanna
2016 International conference on signal processing and communications (SPCOM …, 2016
Speaker verification using Gaussian posteriorgrams on fixed phrase short utterances.
S Jelil, RK Das, R Sinha, SRM Prasanna
Interspeech, 1042-1046, 2015
Multi-style speaker recognition database in practical conditions
RK Das, S Jelil, SRM Prasanna
International Journal of Speech Technology 21, 409-419, 2018
Exploring Session Variability and Template Aging in Speaker Verification for Fixed Phrase Short Utterances.
RK Das, S Jelil, SRM Prasanna
Interspeech, 445-449, 2016
Role of voice activity detection methods for the speakers in the wild challenge
S Jelil, RK Das, SRM Prasanna, R Sinha
2017 Twenty-third National Conference on Communications (NCC), 1-6, 2017
IITG-Indigo System for NIST 2016 SRE Challenge.
N Kumar, RK Das, S Jelil, BK Dhanush, H Kashyap, KSR Murty, ...
INTERSPEECH, 2859-2863, 2017
Spectro-Temporally Compressed Source Features for Replay Attack Detection
S Jelil, R Sinha, SRM Prasanna
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2024
Line, word, and character segmentation of Manipuri machine printed text
K Nath, S Jelil, L Rahul
2014 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and …, 2014
Comparative evaluation of feature normalization techniques for voice password based speaker verification
F Pyrtuh, S Jelil, G Kachari, LJ Singh
2013 Fourth National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition …, 2013
Exploring text-constraint models and source information for long-enrollment with short-test speaker verification
RK Das, S Jelil, SRM Prasanna
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 38, 1775-1792, 2019
Speaker Identification Using Tensor Decomposition of Acoustic Models
S Pandey, S Jelil, SRM Prasanna, HS Shekhawat
TENCON 2018-2018 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1484-1488, 2018
AMRITATCS-IITGUWAHATI combined system for the Speakers in the Wild (SITW) speaker recognition challenge
KK George, RK Das, S Jelil, KA Das, CS Kumar, SRM Prasanna, A Panda
2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2842-2846, 2016
Significance of Source Information for Text Dependent Speaker Verification
A Hore, SR Nirmala, RK Das, S Jelil, SRM Prasanna
International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing 10 (6), 42, 2018
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Articles 1–17