Emmanuelle A Marquis
Cited by
Cited by
Hydrogen production from formic acid decomposition at room temperature using a Ag–Pd core–shell nanocatalyst
K Tedsree, T Li, S Jones, CWA Chan, KMK Yu, PAJ Bagot, EA Marquis, ...
Nature nanotechnology 6 (5), 302-307, 2011
Precipitation strengthening at ambient and elevated temperatures of heat-treatable Al (Sc) alloys
DN Seidman, EA Marquis, DC Dunand
Acta Materialia 50 (16), 4021-4035, 2002
Nanoscale structural evolution of Al3Sc precipitates in Al (Sc) alloys
EA Marquis, DN Seidman
Acta materialia 49 (11), 1909-1919, 2001
Applications of atom-probe tomography to the characterisation of solute behaviours
EA Marquis, JM Hyde
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 69 (4-5), 37-62, 2010
Advances in the reconstruction of atom probe tomography data
B Gault, D Haley, F De Geuser, MP Moody, EA Marquis, DJ Larson, ...
Ultramicroscopy 111 (6), 448-457, 2011
A sensitivity analysis of the maximum separation method for the characterisation of solute clusters
JM Hyde, EA Marquis, KB Wilford, TJ Williams
Ultramicroscopy 111 (6), 440-447, 2011
α′ precipitation in neutron-irradiated Fe–Cr alloys
M Bachhav, GR Odette, EA Marquis
Scripta Materialia 74, 48-51, 2014
Effect of Mg addition on the creep and yield behavior of an Al–Sc alloy
EA Marquis, DN Seidman, DC Dunand
Acta Materialia 51 (16), 4751-4760, 2003
Nanoscale characterisation of ODS–Eurofer 97 steel: An atom-probe tomography study
CA Williams, EA Marquis, A Cerezo, GDW Smith
Journal of Nuclear Materials 400 (1), 37-45, 2010
Core/shell structures of oxygen-rich nanofeatures in oxide-dispersion strengthened Fe–Cr alloys
EA Marquis
Applied Physics Letters 93 (18), 2008
The formation and evolution of oxide particles in oxide-dispersion-strengthened ferritic steels during processing
CA Williams, P Unifantowicz, N Baluc, GDW Smith, EA Marquis
Acta Materialia 61 (6), 2219-2235, 2013
Coarsening kinetics of nanoscale Al3Sc precipitates in an Al–Mg–Sc alloy
EA Marquis, DN Seidman
Acta Materialia 53 (15), 4259-4268, 2005
Evolution of tip shape during field evaporation of complex multilayer structures
EA Marquis, BP Geiser, TJ Prosa, DJ Larson
Journal of microscopy 241 (3), 225-233, 2011
Atom probe tomography today
A Cerezo, PH Clifton, MJ Galtrey, CJ Humphreys, TF Kelly, DJ Larson, ...
Materials Today 10 (12), 36-42, 2007
Model for creep threshold stress in precipitation-strengthened alloys with coherent particles
EA Marquis, DC Dunand
Scripta Materialia 47 (8), 503-508, 2002
Chromatic aberrations in the field evaporation behavior of small precipitates
EA Marquis, F Vurpillot
Microscopy and microanalysis 14 (6), 561-570, 2008
Hardening of self ion implanted tungsten and tungsten 5-wt% rhenium
DEJ Armstrong, X Yi, EA Marquis, SG Roberts
Journal of Nuclear Materials 432 (1-3), 428-436, 2013
Towards better 3-D reconstructions by combining electron tomography and atom-probe tomography
I Arslan, EA Marquis, M Homer, MA Hekmaty, NC Bartelt
Ultramicroscopy 108 (12), 1579-1585, 2008
On the early stages of precipitation in dilute Mg–Nd alloys
AR Natarajan, ELS Solomon, B Puchala, EA Marquis, A Van der Ven
Acta Materialia 108, 367-379, 2016
Composition evolution of nanoscale Al3Sc precipitates in an Al–Mg–Sc alloy: Experiments and computations
EA Marquis, DN Seidman, M Asta, C Woodward
Acta materialia 54 (1), 119-130, 2006
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Articles 1–20