Douglas Galante
Cited by
Cited by
The astrobiology primer v2. 0
SD Domagal-Goldman, KE Wright, K Adamala, LA De La Rubia, J Bond, ...
Astrobiology 16 (8), 561, 2016
Isolation of uncultured bacteria from Antarctica using long incubation periods and low nutritional media
AA Pulschen, AG Bendia, AD Fricker, VH Pellizari, D Galante, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 8, 1346, 2017
Fungi associated with rocks of the A tacama D esert: taxonomy, distribution, diversity, ecology and bioprospection for bioactive compounds
VN Gonçalves, CL Cantrell, DE Wedge, MC Ferreira, MA Soares, ...
Environmental microbiology 18 (1), 232-245, 2016
UV‐resistant yeasts isolated from a high‐altitude volcanic area on the Atacama Desert as eukaryotic models for astrobiology
AA Pulschen, F Rodrigues, RTD Duarte, GG Araujo, IF Santiago, ...
Microbiologyopen 4 (4), 574-588, 2015
Thermodynamics, disequilibrium, evolution: Far-from-equilibrium geological and chemical considerations for origin-of-life research
LM Barge, E Branscomb, JR Brucato, SSS Cardoso, JHE Cartwright, ...
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 47, 39-56, 2017
Deciphering pyritization-kerogenization gradient for fish soft-tissue preservation
GL Osés, S Petri, CG Voltani, GMEM Prado, D Galante, MA Rizzutto, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 1468, 2017
Insights into the Skeletonization, Lifestyle, and Affinity of the Unusual Ediacaran Fossil Corumbella
MLAF Pacheco, D Galante, F Rodrigues, J de M. Leme, P Bidola, ...
PLoS One 10 (3), e0114219, 2015
Extremely high UV-C radiation resistant microorganisms from desert environments with different manganese concentrations
IG Paulino-Lima, K Fujishima, JU Navarrete, D Galante, F Rodrigues, ...
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 163, 327-336, 2016
Heart fossilization is possible and informs the evolution of cardiac outflow tract in vertebrates
L Maldanis, M Carvalho, MR Almeida, FI Freitas, JAFG De Andrade, ...
Elife 5, e14698, 2016
Synthesis of green cool pigments (CoxZn1-xO) for application in NIR radiation reflectance
J de Oliveira Primo, KW Borth, DC Peron, V de Carvalho Teixeira, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 780, 17-24, 2019
Deciphering the preservation of fossil insects: a case study from the Crato Member, Early Cretaceous of Brazil
GL Osés, S Petri, B Becker-Kerber, GR Romero, M de Almeida Rizzutto, ...
PeerJ 4, e2756, 2016
Origin and early diversification of phylum Cnidaria: key macrofossils from the Ediacaran System of North and South America
H Van Iten, JM Leme, MLAF Pacheco, MG Simões, TR Fairchild, ...
The cnidaria, past, present and future: the world of medusa and her sisters …, 2016
Ecological interactions in Cloudina from the Ediacaran of Brazil: implications for the rise of animal biomineralization
B Becker-Kerber, MLAF Pacheco, ID Rudnitzki, D Galante, F Rodrigues, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 5482, 2017
Astrobiologia: uma ciência emergente
D Galante, EP Silva, F Rodrigues, JE Horvath, MGB Avellar
Surviving in hot and cold: psychrophiles and thermophiles from Deception Island volcano, Antarctica
AG Bendia, GG Araujo, AA Pulschen, B Contro, RTD Duarte, F Rodrigues, ...
Extremophiles 22, 917-929, 2018
Survival and ice nucleation activity of Pseudomonas syringae strains exposed to simulated high-altitude atmospheric conditions
GG de Araujo, F Rodrigues, FLT Gonçalves, D Galante
Scientific reports 9 (1), 7768, 2019
Comparative survival analysis of Deinococcus radiodurans and the Haloarchaea Natrialba magadii and Haloferax volcanii exposed to vacuum ultraviolet irradiation
XC Abrevaya, IG Paulino-Lima, D Galante, F Rodrigues, PJD Mauas, ...
Astrobiology 11 (10), 1034-1040, 2011
Integrated geochemical and morphological data provide insights into the genesis of ferromanganese nodules
M Benites, C Millo, J Hein, BN Nath, B Murton, D Galante, L Jovane
Minerals 8 (11), 488, 2018
Carnaúba: the coherent x-ray nanoprobe beamline for the Brazilian Synchrotron Sirius/LNLS
HCN Tolentino, MM Soares, CA Perez, FC Vicentin, DB Abdala, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 849 (1), 012057, 2017
Survival of extremophilic yeasts in the stratospheric environment during balloon flights and in laboratory simulations
AA Pulschen, GG de Araujo, ACSR de Carvalho, MF Cerini, LM Fonseca, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84 (23), e01942-18, 2018
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Articles 1–20