Elena Papaleo
Elena Papaleo
Danish Cancer Society Research Center and Technical University of Denmark
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy
DJ Klionsky, AK Abdel-Aziz, S Abdelfatah, M Abdellatif, A Abdoli, S Abel, ...
autophagy 17 (1), 1-382, 2021
Promoting transparency and reproducibility in enhanced molecular simulations
Nature methods 16 (8), 670-673, 2019
Free-energy landscape, principal component analysis, and structural clustering to identify representative conformations from molecular dynamics simulations: The myoglobin case
E Papaleo, P Mereghetti, P Fantucci, R Grandori, L De Gioia
Journal of molecular graphics and modelling 27 (8), 889-899, 2009
New functionalities in the TCGAbiolinks package for the study and integration of cancer data from GDC and GTEx
M Mounir, M Lucchetta, TC Silva, C Olsen, G Bontempi, X Chen, ...
PLoS computational biology 15 (3), e1006701, 2019
The role of protein loops and linkers in conformational dynamics and allostery
E Papaleo, G Saladino, M Lambrughi, K Lindorff-Larsen, FL Gervasio, ...
Chemical reviews 116 (11), 6391-6423, 2016
Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy 577
DJ Klionsky
Autophagy 12 (1-222), 578, 2016
DisProt: intrinsic protein disorder annotation in 2020
A Hatos, B Hajdu-Soltész, AM Monzon, N Palopoli, L Álvarez, ...
Nucleic acids research 48 (D1), D269-D276, 2020
HUWE1 E3 ligase promotes PINK1/PARKIN-independent mitophagy by regulating AMBRA1 activation via IKKα
A Di Rita, A Peschiaroli, P D′ Acunzo, D Strobbe, Z Hu, J Gruber, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3755, 2018
Protein aggregation: mechanisms and functional consequences
G Invernizzi, E Papaleo, R Sabate, S Ventura
The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology 44 (9), 1541-1554, 2012
A pan-cancer analysis reveals high-frequency genetic alterations in mediators of signaling by the TGF-β superfamily
A Korkut, S Zaidi, RS Kanchi, S Rao, NR Gough, A Schultz, X Li, ...
Cell systems 7 (4), 422-437. e7, 2018
DisProt in 2022: improved quality and accessibility of protein intrinsic disorder annotation
F Quaglia, B Mészáros, E Salladini, A Hatos, R Pancsa, LB Chemes, ...
Nucleic acids research 50 (D1), D480-D487, 2022
An efficient method for estimating the hydrodynamic radius of disordered protein conformations
M Nygaard, BB Kragelund, E Papaleo, K Lindorff-Larsen
Biophysical journal 113 (3), 550-557, 2017
Comparing molecular dynamics force fields in the essential subspace
F Martín-García, E Papaleo, P Gomez-Puertas, W Boomsma, ...
PLoS One 10 (3), e0121114, 2015
AMBRA1 regulates cyclin D to guard S-phase entry and genomic integrity
E Maiani, G Milletti, F Nazio, SG Holdgaard, J Bartkova, S Rizza, ...
Nature 592 (7856), 799-803, 2021
PyInteraph: a framework for the analysis of interaction networks in structural ensembles of proteins
M Tiberti, G Invernizzi, M Lambrughi, Y Inbar, G Schreiber, E Papaleo
Journal of chemical information and modeling 54 (5), 1537-1551, 2014
ETHE1 mutations are specific to ethylmalonic encephalopathy
V Tiranti, E Briem, E Lamantea, R Mineri, E Papaleo, L De Gioia, F Forlani, ...
Journal of medical genetics 43 (4), 340-346, 2006
An optimal distance cutoff for contact-based Protein Structure Networks using side-chain centers of mass
J Salamanca Viloria, MF Allega, M Lambrughi, E Papaleo
Scientific reports 7 (1), 2838, 2017
Absence of neurofibromin induces an oncogenic metabolic switch via mitochondrial ERK-mediated phosphorylation of the chaperone TRAP1
I Masgras, F Ciscato, AM Brunati, E Tibaldi, S Indraccolo, M Curtarello, ...
Cell reports 18 (3), 659-672, 2017
Predicting the impact of Lynch syndrome-causing missense mutations from structural calculations
SV Nielsen, A Stein, AB Dinitzen, E Papaleo, MH Tatham, EG Poulsen, ...
PLoS genetics 13 (4), e1006739, 2017
Interpreting pathways to discover cancer driver genes with Moonlight
A Colaprico, C Olsen, MH Bailey, GJ Odom, T Terkelsen, TC Silva, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 69, 2020
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