Siqi Li
Siqi Li
Professor of Accounting, Santa Clara University
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Cited by
Corporate social responsibility and stock price crash risk
Y Kim, H Li, S Li
Journal of Banking & Finance 43, 1-13, 2014
Does mandatory adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards in the European Union reduce the cost of equity capital?
S Li
The accounting review 85 (2), 607-636, 2010
The impact of mandatory IFRS adoption on foreign mutual fund ownership: The role of comparability
M DeFond, X Hu, M Hung, S Li
Journal of accounting and economics 51 (3), 240-258, 2011
Does mandatory IFRS adoption affect crash risk?
ML DeFond, M Hung, S Li, Y Li
The accounting review 90 (1), 265-299, 2015
The role of accounting conservatism in the equity market: Evidence from seasoned equity offerings
Y Kim, S Li, C Pan, L Zuo
The Accounting Review 88 (4), 1327-1356, 2013
Corporate board reforms around the world and stock price crash risk
J Hu, S Li, AG Taboada, F Zhang
Journal of Corporate Finance 62, 101557, 2020
Does eliminating the Form 20-F reconciliation from IFRS to US GAAP have capital market consequences?
Y Kim, H Li, S Li
Journal of Accounting and Economics 53 (1-2), 249-270, 2012
CEO equity incentives and audit fees
Y Kim, H Li, S Li
Contemporary Accounting Research, Forthcoming, 2014
Tone at the top: CEOs’ religious beliefs and earnings management
Y Cai, Y Kim, S Li, C Pan
Journal of Banking & Finance 106, 195-213, 2019
Political connections and voluntary disclosure: Evidence from around the world
M Hung, Y Kim, S Li
Journal of International Business Studies 49, 272-302, 2018
The effect of fair value accounting on the performance evaluation role of earnings
M DeFond, J Hu, M Hung, S Li
Journal of Accounting and Economics 70 (2-3), 101341, 2020
Mandatory IFRS adoption and intra-industry information transfers
Y Kim, S Li
Document de travail, Leavey School of Business, Université de Santa Clara, 2010
An examination of factors affecting Chinese financial analysts’ information comprehension, analyzing ability, and job quality
Y Hu, TW Lin, S Li
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 30, 397-417, 2008
Has the widespread adoption of IFRS reduced US firms' attractiveness to foreign investors?
ML DeFond, X Hu, MY Hung, S Li
Journal of International Accounting Research 11 (2), 27-55, 2012
How does the market for corporate control impact tax avoidance? Evidence from international M&A laws
J Hu, S Li, T Shevlin
Review of Accounting Studies 28 (1), 340-383, 2023
The externality effect of accounting standards convergence: evidence from cross-border information transfers around EU mandatory IFRS adoption
Y Kim, S Li
Available at SSRN 1936170, 2011
The impact of IFRS adoption on US mutual fund ownership: The role of comparability
M DeFond, X Hu, M Hung, S Li
September 15 (2009), 09-06, 2009
Large creditors and corporate governance: the case of Chinese banks
Y Hu, S Li, TW Lin, S Xie
Review of Accounting and Finance 10 (4), 332-367, 2011
Wrongful discharge laws and asymmetric cost behavior
Y Kim, S Li, H Park
Available at SSRN 3813326, 2020
Does mandatory adoption of International Accounting Standards reduce the cost of equity capital?
S Li
University of Southern California, 2008
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Articles 1–20