Rajendra Paudel
Rajendra Paudel
U.S. Department of Interior
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Does increased model complexity improve description of phosphorus dynamics in a large treatment wetland?
R Paudel, JW Jawitz
Ecological Engineering 42, 283-294, 2012
CH parameter estimation in CLM4.5bgc using surrogate global optimization
J Müller, R Paudel, CA Shoemaker, J Woodbury, Y Wang, N Mahowald
Geoscientific Model Development 8 (10), 3285-3310, 2015
A Phased Assessment of Restoration Alternatives to Achieve Phosphorus Water Quality Targets for Lake Okeechobee, Florida, USA
Y Khare, GM Naja, GA Stainback, CJ Martinez, R Paudel, T Van Lent
Water 11 (2), 327, 2019
Orientation matters: Patch anisotropy controls discharge competence and hydroperiod in a patterned peatland
DA Kaplan, R Paudel, MJ Cohen, JW Jawitz
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (17), 2012
Attribution of changes in global wetland methane emissions from pre-industrial to present using CLM4. 5-BGC
R Paudel, NM Mahowald, PGM Hess, L Meng, WJ Riley
Environmental Research Letters 11 (3), 034020, 2016
Management scenario evaluation for a large treatment wetland using a spatio-temporal phosphorus transport and cycling model
R Paudel, JH Min, JW Jawitz
Ecological Engineering 36 (12), 1627-1638, 2010
Spatially distributed modeling of surface water flow dynamics in the Everglades ridge and slough landscape
JH Min, R Paudel, JW Jawitz
Journal of hydrology 390 (1-2), 1-12, 2010
Effects of hydraulic resistance by vegetation on stage dynamics of a stormwater treatment wetland
R Paudel, KA Grace, S Galloway, M Zamorano, JW Jawitz
Journal of Hydrology 484, 74-85, 2013
Documentation of the Everglades Landscape Model: ELM v2.8.4
HC Fitz, R Paudel, 2012
A watershed scale assessment of phosphorus remediation strategies for achieving water quality restoration targets in the western Everglades
YP Khare, GM Naja, R Paudel, CJ Martinez
Ecological Engineering 143, 105663, 2020
Seasonal and interannual variability in wetland methane emissions simulated by CLM4Me'and CAM-chem and comparisons to observations of concentrations
L Meng, R Paudel, PGM Hess, NM Mahowald
Biogeosciences 12 (13), 4029-4049, 2015
Mechanistic biogeochemical model applications for Everglades restoration: A review of case studies and suggestions for future modeling needs
JH Min, R Paudel, JW Jawitz
Critical reviews in environmental science and technology 41 (S1), 489-516, 2011
Watershed response to legacy phosphorus and best management practices in an impacted agricultural watershed in Florida, USA
YP Khare, R Paudel, R Wiederholt, AZ Abiy, T Van Lent, SE Davis, Y Her
Land 10 (9), 977, 2021
Evaluating the performance of climate models in reproducing the hydrological characteristics of rainfall events
JH Song, Y Her, S Shin, J Cho, R Paudel, YP Khare, J Obeysekera, ...
Hydrological Sciences Journal 65 (9), 1490-1511, 2020
Assessing the hydrologic response of key restoration components to everglades ecosystem
R Paudel, T Van Lent, GM Naja, Y Khare, R Wiederholt, SE Davis III
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 146 (11), 04020084, 2020
Economic valuation of the ecological response to hydrologic restoration in the Greater Everglades ecosystem
R Wiederholt, GA Stainback, R Paudel, Y Khare, M Naja, SE Davis III, ...
Ecological Indicators 117, 106678, 2020
Predicting effects of water management on breeding abundance of three wading bird species
DA Essian, R Paudel, DE Gawlik
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 2022
Lake operation optimization of nutrient exports: Application of phosphorus control in the largest subtropical lake in the United States
OM Tarabih, TD Dang, R Paudel, ME Arias
Environmental Modelling & Software 160, 105603, 2023
A multi-indicator spatial similarity approach for evaluating ecological restoration scenarios
R Wiederholt, R Paudel, Y Khare, SE Davis, G Melodie Naja, ...
Landscape Ecology 34, 2557-2574, 2019
Watershed response to legacy phosphorus and best management practices in an impacted agricultural watershed in Florida, USA Land. 2021; 10 (9): 977
YP Khare, R Paudel, R Wiederholt, AZ Abiy, T Van Lent, SE Davis, Y Her
doi. org/10.3390/LAND10090977, 2021
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