Sibani Lisa Biswal
Cited by
Cited by
Visualizing oil displacement with foam in a microfluidic device with permeability contrast
CA Conn, K Ma, GJ Hirasaki, SL Biswal
Lab on a Chip 14 (20), 3968-3977, 2014
Visualization of improved sweep with foam in heterogeneous porous media using microfluidics
K Ma, R Liontas, CA Conn, GJ Hirasaki, SL Biswal
Soft Matter 8 (41), 10669-10675, 2012
Micromixing with linked chains of paramagnetic particles
SL Biswal, AP Gast
Analytical chemistry 76 (21), 6448-6455, 2004
Estimation of parameters for the simulation of foam flow through porous media. Part 1: the dry-out effect
K Ma, JL Lopez-Salinas, MC Puerto, CA Miller, SL Biswal, GJ Hirasaki
Energy & fuels 27 (5), 2363-2375, 2013
Adsorption of cationic and anionic surfactants on natural and synthetic carbonate materials
K Ma, L Cui, Y Dong, T Wang, C Da, GJ Hirasaki, SL Biswal
Journal of colloid and interface science 408, 164-172, 2013
Rotational dynamics of semiflexible paramagnetic particle chains
SL Biswal, AP Gast
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 69 (4 …, 2004
Surface complexation modeling of calcite zeta potential measurements in brines with mixed potential determining ions (Ca2+, CO32−, Mg2+, SO42−) for characterizing carbonate …
J Song, Y Zeng, L Wang, X Duan, M Puerto, WG Chapman, SL Biswal, ...
Journal of colloid and interface science 506, 169-179, 2017
Gold-coated porous silicon films as anodes for lithium ion batteries
M Thakur, M Isaacson, SL Sinsabaugh, MS Wong, SL Biswal
Journal of Power Sources 205, 426-432, 2012
Mechanics of semiflexible chains formed by poly (ethylene glycol)-linked paramagnetic particles
SL Biswal, AP Gast
Physical Review E 68 (2), 021402, 2003
Surface properties of bottlebrush polymer thin films
X Li, SL Prukop, SL Biswal, R Verduzco
Macromolecules 45 (17), 7118-7127, 2012
Switchable Nonionic to Cationic Ethoxylated Amine Surfactants for CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery in High-Temperature, High-Salinity Carbonate Reservoirs
Y Chen, AS Elhag, BM Poon, L Cui, K Ma, SY Liao, PP Reddy, ...
SPE journal 19 (02), 249-259, 2014
Freestanding macroporous silicon and pyrolyzed polyacrylonitrile as a composite anode for lithium ion batteries
M Thakur, RB Pernites, N Nitta, M Isaacson, SL Sinsabaugh, MS Wong, ...
Chemistry of Materials 24 (15), 2998-3003, 2012
Inexpensive method for producing macroporous silicon particulates (MPSPs) with pyrolyzed polyacrylonitrile for lithium ion batteries
M Thakur, SL Sinsabaugh, MJ Isaacson, MS Wong, SL Biswal
Scientific reports 2 (1), 795, 2012
Carbon dioxide/water foams stabilized with a zwitterionic surfactant at temperatures up to 150 C in high salinity brine
C Da, S Alzobaidi, G Jian, L Zhang, SL Biswal, GJ Hirasaki, KP Johnston
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 166, 880-890, 2018
Static adsorption of an ethoxylated nonionic surfactant on carbonate minerals
G Jian, MC Puerto, A Wehowsky, P Dong, KP Johnston, GJ Hirasaki, ...
Langmuir 32 (40), 10244-10252, 2016
Role of gas type on foam transport in porous media
Y Zeng, R Farajzadeh, AA Eftekhari, S Vincent-Bonnieu, A Muthuswamy, ...
Langmuir 32 (25), 6239-6245, 2016
Device And Method For Transfecting Cells For Therapeutic Uses
Y Choi, LJN Cooper, DA Lee, SL Biswal, R Raphael, TC Killian
US Patent App. 12/884,084, 2011
Mobility of Ethomeen C12 and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Foam at High Temperature/High Salinity and in Carbonate Cores
L Cui, K Ma, M Puerto, AA Abdala, I Tanakov, LJ Lu, Y Chen, A Elhag, ...
SPE Journal 21 (04), 1151-1163, 2016
Neighbor-induced bubble pinch-off: novel mechanisms of in situ foam generation in microfluidic channels
R Liontas, K Ma, GJ Hirasaki, SL Biswal
Soft Matter 9 (46), 10971-10984, 2013
Wettability control and patterning of PDMS using UV–ozone and water immersion
K Ma, J Rivera, GJ Hirasaki, SL Biswal
Journal of colloid and interface science 363 (1), 371-378, 2011
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Articles 1–20