David Larbalestier
David Larbalestier
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University
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High-Tc superconducting materials for electric power applications
D Larbalestier, A Gurevich, DM Feldmann, A Polyanskii
Nature 414 (6861), 368-377, 2001
Strongly linked current flow in polycrystalline forms of the superconductor MgB2
DC Larbalestier, LD Cooley, MO Rikel, AA Polyanskii, J Jiang, S Patnaik, ...
Nature 410 (6825), 186-189, 2001
Oxygen-defect flux pinning, anomalous magnetization and intra-grain granularity in YBa2Cu307–δ
M Daeumling, JM Seuntjens, DC Larbalestier
Nature 346 (6282), 332-335, 1990
45.5-tesla direct-current magnetic field generated with a high-temperature superconducting magnet
S Hahn, K Kim, K Kim, X Hu, T Painter, I Dixon, S Kim, KR Bhattarai, ...
Nature 570 (7762), 496-499, 2019
Two-band superconductivity in LaFeAsO0.89F0.11 at very high magnetic fields
F Hunte, J Jaroszynski, A Gurevich, DC Larbalestier, R Jin, AS Sefat, ...
nature 453 (7197), 903-905, 2008
High critical current density and enhanced irreversibility field in superconducting MgB2 thin films
CB Eom, MK Lee, JH Choi, LJ Belenky, X Song, LD Cooley, MT Naus, ...
Nature 411 (6837), 558-560, 2001
Isotropic round-wire multifilament cuprate superconductor for generation of magnetic fields above 30 T
DC Larbalestier, J Jiang, UP Trociewitz, F Kametani, C Scheuerlein, ...
Nature materials 13 (4), 375-381, 2014
Small anisotropy, weak thermal fluctuations, and high field superconductivity in Co-doped iron pnictide Ba (Fe1− xCox) 2As2
A Yamamoto, J Jaroszynski, C Tarantini, L Balicas, J Jiang, A Gurevich, ...
Applied Physics Letters 94 (6), 2009
Upper critical fields and thermally-activated transport of single crystal
J Jaroszynski, F Hunte, L Balicas, Y Jo, I Raičević, A Gurevich, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (17), 174523, 2008
Critical state in disk-shaped superconductors
M Däumling, DC Larbalestier
Physical Review B 40 (13), 9350, 1989
Very high upper critical fields in MgB2 produced by selective tuning of impurity scattering
A Gurevich, S Patnaik, V Braccini, KH Kim, C Mielke, X Song, LD Cooley, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 17 (2), 278, 2003
High-field superconductivity in alloyed thin films
V Braccini, A Gurevich, JE Giencke, MC Jewell, CB Eom, DC Larbalestier, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (1), 012504, 2005
New Fe-based superconductors: properties relevant for applications
M Putti, I Pallecchi, E Bellingeri, MR Cimberle, M Tropeano, C Ferdeghini, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 23 (3), 034003, 2010
Superconducting materials for large scale applications
RM Scanlan, AP Malozemoff, DC Larbalestier
Proceedings of the IEEE 92 (10), 1639-1654, 2004
Weak-link-free behaviour of high-angle YBa2Cu3O7–δ grain boundaries in high magnetic fields
SE Babcock, XY Cai, DL Kaiser, DC Larbalestier
Nature 347 (6289), 167-169, 1990
The compctition between martensite and omega in quenched Ti-Nb alloys
DL Moffat, DC Larbalestier
Metallurgical Transactions A 19, 1677-1686, 1988
High intergrain critical current density in fine-grain (Ba0.6K0.4)Fe2As2 wires and bulks
JD Weiss, C Tarantini, J Jiang, F Kametani, AA Polyanskii, ...
Nature Materials 11 (8), 682-685, 2012
High critical current density and improved irreversibility field in bulk made by a scaleable, nanoparticle addition route
J Wang, Y Bugoslavsky, A Berenov, L Cowey, AD Caplin, LF Cohen, ...
Applied Physics Letters 81 (11), 2026-2028, 2002
Design of a superconducting 32 T magnet with REBCO high field coils
WD Markiewicz, DC Larbalestier, HW Weijers, AJ Voran, KW Pickard, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 22 (3), 4300704-4300704, 2011
High field magnets with HTS conductors
HW Weijers, UP Trociewitz, WD Markiewicz, J Jiang, D Myers, ...
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 20 (3), 576-582, 2010
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Articles 1–20