Fernando De la Rosa
RoBlock–web app for programming learning
PG Feijoo Garcia, F De la Rosa
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 2016
Robust path planning in the plane
F De la Rosa, C Laugier, J Nájera
Robotics and Automation, IEEE Transactions on 12 (2), 347-352, 1996
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Approach for Motion Planning in Mobile Robotics
A Buitrago, F De la Rosa, F Lozano
X Latin American Robotics Symposium and Competition (LARS/LARC 2013), 83-88, 2013
Using deep learning for exploration and recognition of objects based on images
S Contreras, F De La Rosa
2016 XIII Latin American Robotics Symposium and IV Brazilian Robotics …, 2016
Simulation of Multi-robot Architectures in mobile Robotics
F De la Rosa, ME Jiménez
2009 Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference (CERMA), 199-203, 2009
Identification of multimodal signals for emotion recognition in the context of human-robot interaction
AK Pérez, CA Quintero, S Rodríguez, E Rojas, O Pena, F De La Rosa
International Symposium on Intelligent Computing Systems, 67-80, 2018
Aplicación de deep learning en robótica móvil para exploración y reconocimiento de objetos basados en imágenes
S Contreras, F De la Rosa
2016 IEEE 11th Colombian Computing Conference (CCC), 1-8, 2016
Planning robot motion strategies under geometric uncertainty constraints
F De la Rosa, J Najera, C Laugier
International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems 94, 37-44, 0
Scaffolded block-based instructional tool for linear data structures: A constructivist design to ease data structures' understanding
DF Almanza Cortés, MF Del Toro Salazar, RA Urrego Arias, ...
International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2019
Multi-robot SLAM on Client-Server Architecture
DA Castro, CF Morales, F De la Rosa
2012 Brazilian Robotics Symposium and Latin American Robotics Symposium (SBR …, 2012
A Control Agent Architecture for Cooperative Robotic Tasks
E González, F De la Rosa, AS Miranda, J Angel, JS Figueredo
Multi-Robot Systems, Trends and Development, 491-514, 2011
Exploring the Contact Space to Plan Robot Motions under Geometric Uncertainty Constraints
F De la Rosa, C Laugier, J Najera
International Workshop on Intelligent Robotic Systems 93, 71-80, 1993
Planning robot motion strategies under geometric uncertainty constraints
J Najera, F De la Rosa, C Laugier
Intelligent Robots and Systems' 94.'Advanced Robotic Systems and the Real …, 1994
Planning motion strategies in the contact space under geometric uncertainty constraints
F De la Rosa, C Laugier, J Nájera
Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle 8 (3), 279-312, 1994
Methodology for learning multimodal instructions in the context of human-robot interaction using machine learning
S Rodriguez, CA Quintero, AK Pérez, E Rojas, O Peña, F De La Rosa
Intelligent Computing Systems: Second International Symposium, ISICS 2018 …, 2018
Platform integrating Interactive Applications with Gesture-based Interaction
LR Ruiz, F De la Rosa, JT Hernandez
XXXVIII Conferencia Latinoamericana en Informática CLEI 2012, 2012
Diagnosis dirigida por restricciones simbólicas para modelos polinómicos
RM Gasca, JA Ortega, M Toro, F De la Rosa
Terceras Jornadas de trabajo sobre Metodologias Cualitativas Aplicadas a los …, 2001
Instructional Application for Programming and Algorithmic Self-Learning
PG Feijóo-García, F De la Rosa
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported …, 2018
Roblock: Programming learning with mobile robotics
PG Feijóo, F De la Rosa
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in …, 2016
Contenido eres tú
C Aced, M Benítez, F Ferri, A Gabarre, A Pérez, F De la Rosa, J Velilla
Editorial: Eva Sanagustín. Disponible para consulta: http://www …, 2014
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