Xianzhu Tang
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Cited by
Multiphysics simulations: Challenges and opportunities
DE Keyes, LC McInnes, C Woodward, W Gropp, E Myra, M Pernice, J Bell, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 27 (1 …, 2013
Plasma simulation studies using multilevel physics models
W Park, EV Belova, GY Fu, XZ Tang, HR Strauss, LE Sugiyama
Physics of Plasmas 6 (5), 1796-1803, 1999
Symbol sequence statistics in noisy chaotic signal reconstruction
XZ Tang, ER Tracy, AD Boozer, A DeBrauw, R Brown
Physical Review E 51 (5), 3871, 1995
Spherically imploding plasma liners as a standoff driver for magnetoinertial fusion
SC Hsu, TJ Awe, S Brockington, A Case, JT Cassibry, G Kagan, ...
Ieee transactions on plasma science 40 (5), 1287-1298, 2012
Finite time Lyapunov exponent and advection-diffusion equation
XZ Tang, AH Boozer
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 95 (3-4), 283-305, 1996
Electro-diffusion in a plasma with two ion species
G Kagan, XZ Tang
Physics of Plasmas 19 (8), 2012
Progress towards high performance plasmas in the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX)
SM Kaye, MG Bell, RE Bell, S Bernabei, J Bialek, T Biewer, W Blanchard, ...
Nuclear fusion 45 (10), S168, 2005
Thermo-diffusion in inertially confined plasmas
G Kagan, XZ Tang
Physics Letters A 378 (21), 1531-1535, 2014
Orbital-motion-limited theory of dust charging and plasma response
XZ Tang, G Luca Delzanno
Physics of Plasmas 21 (12), 2014
Overview of physics results from the conclusive operation of the National Spherical Torus Experiment
SA Sabbagh, JW Ahn, J Allain, R Andre, A Balbaky, R Bastasz, ...
Nuclear Fusion 53 (10), 104007, 2013
Magnetic field generation in Rayleigh-Taylor unstable inertial confinement fusion plasmas
B Srinivasan, G Dimonte, XZ Tang
Physical review letters 108 (16), 165002, 2012
Overview of results from the national spherical torus experiment (NSTX)
DA Gates, J Ahn, J Allain, R Andre, R Bastasz, M Bell, R Bell, E Belova, ...
Nuclear Fusion 49 (10), 104016, 2009
Charging and heat collection by a positively charged dust grain in a plasma
GL Delzanno, XZ Tang
Physical Review Letters 113 (3), 035002, 2014
Overview of recent physics results from the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX)
JE Menard, MG Bell, RE Bell, S Bernabei, J Bialek, T Biewer, ...
Nuclear Fusion 47 (10), S645, 2007
The national spherical torus experiment (NSTX) research programme and progress towards high beta, long pulse operating scenarios
EJ Synakowski, MG Bell, RE Bell, T Bigelow, M Bitter, W Blanchard, ...
Nuclear fusion 43 (12), 1653, 2003
The SEL macroscopic modeling code
AH Glasser, XZ Tang
Computer physics communications 164 (1-3), 237-243, 2004
The mitigating effect of magnetic fields on Rayleigh-Taylor unstable inertial confinement fusion plasmas
B Srinivasan, XZ Tang
Physics of plasmas 20 (5), 2013
Symbol statistics and spatio-temporal systems
XZ Tang, ER Tracy, R Brown
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 102 (3-4), 253-261, 1997
Reflection and implantation of low energy helium with tungsten surfaces
V Borovikov, AF Voter, XZ Tang
Journal of Nuclear Materials 447 (1-3), 254-270, 2014
Mechanism for magnetic field generation and growth in Rayleigh-Taylor unstable inertial confinement fusion plasmas
B Srinivasan, XZ Tang
Physics of Plasmas 19 (8), 2012
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Articles 1–20