Ocean Cheung
Ocean Cheung
Nanotechnology and Functional Materials, Uppsala University, Sweden
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Zeolites and related sorbents with narrow pores for CO 2 separation from flue gas
O Cheung, N Hedin
Rsc Advances 4 (28), 14480-14494, 2014
Top-down approach making anisotropic cellulose aerogels as universal substrates for multifunctionalization
J Garemark, X Yang, X Sheng, O Cheung, L Sun, LA Berglund, Y Li
ACS nano 14 (6), 7111-7120, 2020
Adsorption kinetics for CO2 on highly selective zeolites NaKA and nano-NaKA
O Cheung, Z Bacsik, Q Liu, A Mace, N Hedin
Applied Energy 112, 1326-1336, 2013
Selective separation of CO2 and CH4 for biogas upgrading on zeolite NaKA and SAPO-56
Z Bacsik, O Cheung, P Vasiliev, N Hedin
Applied Energy 162, 613-621, 2016
Mesoporous Cladophora cellulose separators for lithium-ion batteries
R Pan, O Cheung, Z Wang, P Tammela, J Huo, J Lindh, K Edström, ...
Journal of Power Sources 321, 185-192, 2016
Elucidation of the Elusive Structure and Formula of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Bismuth Subgallate by Continuous Rotation Electron Diffraction
Y Wang, S Takki, O Cheung, X Hong-Yi, W Wan, LR Öhrström, Inge, ...
Chemical Communications, 2017
Interpenetrated metal–organic frameworks and their uptake of CO 2 at relatively low pressures
Q Yao, J Su, O Cheung, Q Liu, N Hedin, X Zou
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (20), 10345-10351, 2012
Silicoaluminophosphates as CO2 sorbents
O Cheung, Q Liu, Z Bacsik, N Hedin
Microporous and mesoporous materials 156, 90-96, 2012
Synthetic solid oxide sorbents for CO 2 capture: state-of-the art and future perspectives
R Chang, X Wu, O Cheung, W Liu
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 10 (4), 1682-1705, 2022
Aluminophosphates for CO2 separation
Q Liu, NCO Cheung, AE Garcia‐Bennett, N Hedin
ChemSusChem 4 (1), 91-97, 2011
Removal of pharmaceutical pollutants from effluent by a plant-based metal–organic framework
E Svensson Grape, AJ Chacón-García, S Rojas, Y Pérez, A Jaworski, ...
Nature Water 1 (5), 433-442, 2023
Synthesis, Transformation, Catalysis, and Gas Sorption Investigations on the Bismuth Metal–Organic Framework CAU‐17
M Köppen, A Dhakshinamoorthy, AK Inge, O Cheung, J Ångström, ...
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2018 (30), 3946-3503, 2018
Amorphous calcium carbonate constructed from nanoparticle aggregates with unprecedented surface area and mesoporosity
R Sun, P Zhang, ÉG Bajnóczi, A Neagu, CW Tai, I Persson, M Strømme, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (25), 21556-21564, 2018
Selective adsorption of CO2 and SF6 on mixed-linker ZIF-7–8s: The effect of linker substitution on uptake capacity and kinetics
M Åhlén, A Jaworski, M Strømme, O Cheung
Chemical Engineering Journal 422, 130117, 2021
Highly porous amorphous calcium phosphate for drug delivery and bio-medical applications
R Sun, M Åhlén, CW Tai, ÉG Bajnóczi, F de Kleijne, N Ferraz, I Persson, ...
Nanomaterials 10 (1), 20, 2019
Nanostructure and pore size control of template-free synthesized mesoporous magnesium carbonate Upsalite
O Cheung, P Zhang, S Frykstrand, H Zheng, S Marco, X Zou, M Strømme
RSC Advances 6, 74241-74249, 2016
Highly Porous Metalloporphyrin Covalent Ionic Frameworks with Well Defined Cooperative Functional Groups as Excellent Catalysts for CO2 Cycloaddition
J Liu, G Zhao, O Cheung, L Jia, Z Sun, S Zhang
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2019
A unified topology approach to dot-, rod-, and sheet-MOFs
FMA Noa, M Abrahamsson, E Ahlberg, O Cheung, CR Göb, CJ McKenzie, ...
Chem 7 (9), 2491-2512, 2021
Gas sorption properties and kinetics of porous bismuth-based metal-organic frameworks and the selective CO2 and SF6 sorption on a new bismuth trimesate-based structure UU-200
M Åhlén, E Kapaca, D Hedbom, T Willhammar, M Strømme, O Cheung
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 329, 111548, 2022
Hierarchical Porous Carbon Synthesized from Novel Porous Amorphous Calcium or Magnesium Citrate with Enhanced SF6 Uptake and SF6/N2 Selectivity
R Sun, CW Tai, M Strømme, O Cheung
ACS Applied Nano Materials 2 (2), 778-789, 2019
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Articles 1–20