Alain Le Duff
Alain Le Duff
Evident Industrial
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Cited by
Acoustic emission pattern recognition approach based on Hilbert–Huang transform for structural health monitoring in polymer-composite materials
SE Hamdi, A Le Duff, L Simon, G Plantier, A Sourice, M Feuilloy
Applied Acoustics 74 (5), 746-757, 2013
Study of stress-induced velocity variation in concrete under direct tensile force and monitoring of the damage level by using thermally-compensated Coda Wave Interferometry
Y Zhang, O Abraham, F Grondin, A Loukili, V Tournat, A Le Duff, ...
Ultrasonics 52 (8), 1038-1045, 2012
Validation of a thermal bias control technique for Coda Wave Interferometry (CWI)
Y Zhang, O Abraham, V Tournat, A Le Duff, B Lascoup, A Loukili, ...
Ultrasonics 53 (3), 658-664, 2013
Nonlinear mixing of ultrasonic coda waves with lower frequency-swept pump waves for a global detection of defects in multiple scattering media
Y Zhang, V Tournat, O Abraham, O Durand, S Letourneur, A Le Duff, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (6), 2013
A model-based approach for statistical assessment of detection and localization performance of guided wave–based imaging techniques
J Moriot, N Quaegebeur, A Le Duff, P Masson
Structural Health Monitoring 17 (6), 1460-1472, 2018
Nonlinear coda wave interferometry for the global evaluation of damage levels in complex solids
Y Zhang, V Tournat, O Abraham, O Durand, S Letourneur, A Le Duff, ...
Ultrasonics 73, 245-252, 2017
Analog sensor design proposal for laser Doppler velocimetry
A Le Duff, G Plantier, JC Valiere, T Bosch
IEEE sensors journal 4 (2), 257-261, 2004
Following stress level modification of real size concrete structures with coda wave interferometry (CWI)
Y Zhang, O Abraham, E Larose, T Planes, A Le Duff, B Lascoup, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1335 (1), 1291-1298, 2011
Towards an alternative to time of flight diffraction using instantaneous phase coherence imaging for characterization of crack-like defects
B Gauthier, G Painchaud-April, A Le Duff, P Bélanger
Sensors 21 (3), 730, 2021
Optimization of a Lorentz forces EMAT for the reconstruction of the circumferential thickness profile of a steel pipe using high order shear horizontal modes
A Thon, G Painchaud-April, A Le Duff, P Bélanger
Ndt & E International 128, 102631, 2022
Influence of multiple scattering in heterogeneous concrete on results of the surface wave inverse problem
V Métais, M Chekroun, L Le Marrec, A Le Duff, G Plantier, O Abraham
NDT & E International 79, 53-62, 2016
Lightweight and amplitude-free ultrasonic imaging using single-bit digitization and instantaneous phase coherence
B Gauthier, G Painchaud-April, A Le Duff, P Belanger
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 69 …, 2022
Contribution à l'estimation paramétrique de signaux à variation sinusoïdale de la fréquence instantanée et à amplitude variable: application à l'anémométrie laser à effet …
A Le Duff
Université du Maine, 2003
Velocity measurement in a fluid using LDV: low-cost sensor and signal processing design
A Le Duff, G Plantier, JC Valiere, T Bosch
SENSORS, 2002 IEEE 2, 1347-1350, 2002
Acoustic velocity measurement by means of Laser Doppler Velocimetry: Development of an Extended Kalman Filter and validation in free-field measurement
A Le Duff, G Plantier, JC Valière, B Gazengel
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 70, 832-852, 2016
Time delay estimation for acoustic source location by means of short-time cross-correlation
A Le Duff, SE Hamdi, G Plantier, B Lascoup
SENSORS, 2011 IEEE, 1885-1888, 2011
Real-time acoustic velocity measurement in the air by means of laser doppler velocimetry
A Le Duff, S Poggi, G Plantier, JC Valiere
IMTC 2001. Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement …, 2001
Minimum transmission events for fast ultrasonic TFM imaging: A comparative study
L Pereira Piedade, G Painchaud-April, A Le Duff, P Bélanger
NDT & E International 128, 102627, 2022
Quality assessment of compressed cardiac MRI. Effect of lossy compression on computerized physiological parameters
C Cavaro-Ménard, A Le Duff, P Balzer, B Denizot, O Morel, P Jallet, ...
Proceedings 10th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing …, 1999
Development of a linear array electromagnetic acoustic transducer for shear horizontal guided wave inspection
A Thon, G Painchaud-April, A Le Duff, P Bélanger
Ndt & E International 136, 102807, 2023
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Articles 1–20