Silke Hemming
Cited by
Cited by
Plastic nets in agriculture: A general review of types and applications
S Castellano, GS Mugnozza, G Russo, D Briassoulis, A Mistriotis, ...
Applied engineering in agriculture 24 (6), 799-808, 2008
Remote control of greenhouse vegetable production with artificial intelligence—greenhouse climate, irrigation, and crop production
S Hemming, F de Zwart, A Elings, I Righini, A Petropoulou
Sensors 19 (8), 1807, 2019
The effect of diffuse light on crops
S Hemming, T Dueck, J Janse, F van Noort
International Symposium on High Technology for Greenhouse System Management …, 2007
Simple greenhouse climate model as a design tool for greenhouses in tropical lowland
I Impron, S Hemming, GPA Bot
Biosystems Engineering 98 (1), 79-89, 2007
The solar greenhouse: state of the art in energy saving and sustainable energy supply
G Bot, N Van De Braak, H Challa, S Hemming, TH Rieswijk, ...
Acta Horticulturae 691 (2), 501, 2005
Cherry tomato production in intelligent greenhouses—Sensors and AI for control of climate, irrigation, crop yield, and quality
S Hemming, F Zwart, A Elings, A Petropoulou, I Righini
Sensors 20 (22), 6430, 2020
Use of natural and artificial light in horticulture-interaction of plant and technology
S Hemming
VI International Symposium on Light in Horticulture 907, 25-35, 2009
Greenhouse cooling by NIR-reflection
S Hemming, F Kempkes, N Van der Braak, T Dueck, N Marissen
International Symposium on Greenhouse Cooling 719, 97-106, 2006
Diffuse greenhouse covering materials-material technology, measurements and evaluation of optical properties
S Hemming, V Mohammadkhani, T Dueck
International Workshop on Greenhouse Environmental Control and Crop …, 2008
The effect of new developed fluorescent greenhouse films on the growth of Fragaria x ananassa'Elsanta'
S Hemming, EA Van Os, J Hemming, JA Dieleman
European journal of horticultural science 71 (4), 145-154, 2006
Advanced optical materials for sunlight control in greenhouses
GH Timmermans, S Hemming, E Baeza, EAJ Van Thoor, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 8 (18), 2000738, 2020
Effects of cover properties, ventilation rate, and crop leaf area on tropical greenhouse climate
I Impron, S Hemming, GPA Bot
Biosystems Engineering 99 (4), 553-564, 2008
Filtering natural light by the greenhouse covering using model simulations-more production and better plant quality by diffuse light?
S Hemming, N van der Braak, T Dueck, R Jongschaap, N Marissen
V International Symposium on Artificial Lighting in Horticulture 711, 105-110, 2005
A methodology for model-based greenhouse design: Part 5, greenhouse design optimisation for southern-Spanish and Dutch conditions
BHE Vanthoor, JD Stigter, EJ van Henten, C Stanghellini, PHB de Visser, ...
Biosystems Engineering 111 (4), 350-368, 2012
Filtering natural light at the greenhouse covering-better greenhouse climate and higher production by filtering out NIR?
S Hemming, F Kempkes, N van der Braak, T Dueck, N Marissen
V International Symposium on Artificial Lighting in Horticulture 711, 411-416, 2005
Lighting systems and strategies compared in an optimally controlled greenhouse
WJP Kuijpers, D Katzin, S van Mourik, DJ Antunes, S Hemming, ...
Biosystems Engineering 202, 195-216, 2021
Development of a greenhouse system for tropical lowland in Indonesia
S Hemming, D Waaijenberg, JB Campen, GPA Bot
International Symposium on Greenhouses, Environmental Controls and In-house …, 2004
New glass coatings for high insulating greenhouses without light losses-energy saving, crop production and economic potentials
S Hemming, FLK Kempkes, V Mohammadkhani
International Symposium on High Technology for Greenhouse Systems …, 2009
Material technology of diffuse greenhouse covering materials-influence on light transmission, light scattering and light spectrum
S Hemming, V Mohammadkhani, J Van Ruijven
International Symposium on New Technologies for Environment Control, Energy …, 2013
Cover materials excluding near infrared radiation: effect on greenhouse climate and plant processes
F Kempkes, C Stanghellini, S Hemming, J Dai
International Workshop on Greenhouse Environmental Control and Crop …, 2008
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Articles 1–20