Lidija Mandic
Lidija Mandic
University of Zagreb Faculty of Graphic Arts
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Cited by
Discrete Fourier transform–based watermarking method with an optimal implementation radius
A Poljicak, L Mandic, D Agic
Journal of Electronic Imaging 20 (3), 033008-033008-8, 2011
The impact of different navigation speeds on cybersickness and stress level in VR
A Agić, E Murseli, L Mandić, L Skorin–Kapov
Journal of graphic engineering and design 11 (1), 5-12, 2020
Comparison of color difference equations
L Mandic, S Grgic, M Grgic
Proceedings ELMAR 2006, 107-110, 2006
Location-based smartwatch application for people with complex communication needs
M Vuković, Ž Car, M Fertalj, I Penezić, V Miklaušić, J Ivšac, ...
2016 International Multidisciplinary Conference on Computer and Energy …, 2016
Improvement of the watermark detector performance using image enhancement filters
A Poljičak, L Mandić, MS Kurečić
2012 19th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing …, 2012
Adaptive polynomial neural networks for times series forecasting
P Liatsis, A Foka, JY Goulermas, L Mandic
ELMAR 2007, 35-39, 2007
CATV broadband technologies
T Kos, M Grgic, L Mandic
Proceedings EC-VIP-MC 2003. 4th EURASIP Conference focused on Video/Image …, 2003
Copyright protection of images on a social network
L Kedmenec, A Poljicak, L Mandic
Proceedings ELMAR-2014, 1-4, 2014
Colour appearance models
L Mandic, S Grgic, T Kos
Recent Trends In Multimedia Information Processing, 536-543, 2002
Smartwatch as an assistive technology: Tracking system for detecting irregular user movement
M Vuković, Ž Car, JI Pavlisa, L Mandić
International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC) 9 (1 …, 2018
Applicability of the GCR masking in an image watermarking method
A Poljicak, D Donevski, L Mandic
2017 International symposium ELMAR, 215-218, 2017
The impact of boundary conditions in patient-specific coronary blood flow simulation
A Uus, P Liatsis, R Rajani, L Mandic
IWSSIP 2014 Proceedings, 35-38, 2014
Developing a custom colour target for artwork imaging
MS Kurečić, D Agić, L Mandić
The Imaging Science Journal 59 (6), 317-331, 2011
Legibility of typefaces and preferences of text/background color variations in virtual environment
A Agić, L Mandić, NS Loknar
Proceedings of the 11th international symposium on graphic engineering and …, 2022
Evaluation of cybersickness in virtual reality in driving simulator
A Agić, L Mandić
Acta graphica: znanstveni časopis za tiskarstvo i grafičke komunikacije 30 …, 2019
Color management implementation in digital photography
MS Kurečić, D Agić, L Mandić
Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences 31 (2), 2007
GPS modernisation and GNSS development
T Kos, M Grgic, L Mandic
47th International Symposium ELMAR, 2005., 269-273, 2005
Digital camera characterization using special color reference target
M Strgar Kurečić, D Agić, L Mandić
International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (3; 2005 …, 2005
A contribution to the AM and the FM Screening in the Graphic Reproduction Process
S Mahovic, L Mandic, D Agic, M Gojo
na, 2004
Mobile-Application Loading-Animation Design and Implementation Optimization
J Pibernik, J Dolić, L Mandić, V Kovač
Applied Sciences 13 (2), 865, 2023
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Articles 1–20