Feilin Jia
Feilin Jia
Research Scientiest at FlexCompute Inc.
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Towards industrial large eddy simulation using the FR/CPR method
ZJ Wang, Y Li, F Jia, GM Laskowski, J Kopriva, U Paliath, R Bhaskaran
Computers & Fluids 156, 579-589, 2017
Future directions of high fidelity CFD for aerothermal turbomachinery analysis and design
GM Laskowski, J Kopriva, V Michelassi, S Shankaran, U Paliath, ...
46th AIAA fluid dynamics conference, 3322, 2016
A spectral study on the dissipation and dispersion of the WENO schemes
F Jia, Z Gao, WS Don
Journal of Scientific Computing 63, 49-77, 2015
Accuracy, efficiency and scalability of explicit and implicit FR/CPR schemes in large eddy simulation
F Jia, ZJ Wang, R Bhaskaran, U Paliath, GM Laskowski
Computers & Fluids 195, 104316, 2019
Towards high-order large eddy simulation of aero-thermal flows for turbomachinery applications
R Bhaskaran, F Jia, GM Laskowski, ZJ Wang, U Paliath
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 50794, V02BT41A011, 2017
Evaluation of Second-and High-Order Solvers in Wall-Resolved Large-Eddy Simulation
F Jia, J Ims, ZJ Wang, J Kopriva, GM Laskowski
AIAA Journal 57 (4), 1636-1648, 2018
Assessment of detached eddy simulation and sliding mesh interface in predicting tiltrotor performance in helicopter and airplane modes
F Jia, J Moore, Q Wang
AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM, 2601, 2021
Sliding mesh and arbitrary periodic interface approaches for the high order FR/CPR method
Z Duan, F Jia, ZJ Wang
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 0086, 2020
An Evaluation of a Commercial and a High Order FR/CPR Flow Solvers for Industrial Large Eddy Simulation
F Jia, J Ims, ZJ Wang, J Kopriva, GM Laskowski
2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0827, 2018
Scalability and Efficiency of Explicit and Implicit FR/CPR Schemes in Large Eddy Simulations
F Jia, ZJ Wang, R Bhaskaran, U Paliath, GM Laskowski
23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 3096, 2017
Fundamental Studies Towards Rotor Simulations and Design
F Jia, P Spalart, MJ Groom, Q Wang
AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, 2465, 2023
Improved Initial and Boundary Conditions for Hovering Rotor CFD Simulations
F Jia, Q Wang, P Spalart
Towards industrial large eddy simulation using the FR/CPR method
F Jia
University of Kansas, 2019
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