Peter Babinec
Peter Babinec
Professor of Physics, FMFI, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
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AC-magnetic field controlled drug release from magnetoliposomes: design of a method for site-specific chemotherapy
M Babincova, P Čičmanec, V Altanerova, Č Altaner, P Babinec
Bioelectrochemistry 55 (1-2), 17-19, 2002
Superparamagnetic gel as a novel material for electromagnetically induced hyperthermia
M Babincová, D Leszczynska, P Sourivong, P Čičmanec, P Babinec
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 225 (1-2), 109-112, 2001
High-gradient magnetic capture of ferrofluids: implications for drug targeting and tumor embolization
M Babincová, P Babinec, C Bergemann
Zeitschrift für naturforschung C 56 (9-10), 909-911, 2001
In Vitro Analysis of Cisplatin Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles in Combined Cancer Chemotherapy and Electromagnetic Hyperthermia
M Babincova, V Altanerova, C Bergemann, P Babinec
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience 7 (1), 15-19, 2008
Human mesenchymal stem cell-derived iron oxide exosomes allow targeted ablation of tumor cells via magnetic hyperthermia
U Altanerova, M Babincova, P Babinec, K Benejova, J Jakubechova, ...
International Journal of Nanomedicine, 7923-7936, 2017
Site-specific in vivo targeting of magnetoliposomes using externally applied magnetic field
M Babincová, V Altanerová, M Lampert, Č Altaner, E Machová, MŠ rámka, ...
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 55 (3-4), 278-281, 2000
Blood-specific whole-body electromagnetic hyperthermia
M Babincova, P Sourivong, D Leszczynska, P Babinec
Medical hypotheses 55 (6), 459-460, 2000
Magnetic drug delivery and targeting: principles and applications
M Babincova, P Babinec
Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub 153 (4), 243-50, 2009
Selective treatment of neoplastic cells using ferritin-mediated electromagnetic hyperthermia
M Babincova, D Leszczynska, P Sourivong, P Babinec
Medical hypotheses 54 (2), 177-179, 2000
In vivo heating of magnetic nanoparticles in alternating magnetic field
M Babincova, V Altanerova, Č Altaner, P Čičmanec, P Babinec
Medical Physics 31 (8), 2219-2221, 2004
Laser triggered drug release from magnetoliposomes
M Babincova, P Sourivong, D Chorvat, P Babinec
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 194 (1-3), 163-166, 1999
Applications of magnetoliposomes with encapsulated doxorubicin for integrated chemotherapy and hyperthermia of rat C6 glioma
N Babincová, P Sourivong, P Babinec, C Bergemann, M Babincová, ...
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 73 (7-8), 265-271, 2018
Dynamics of magnetic particles in cylindrical Halbach array: implications for magnetic cell separation and drug targeting
P Babinec, A Krafčík, M Babincová, J Rosenecker
Medical & biological engineering & computing 48, 745-753, 2010
Resonant absorption of ultrasound energy as a method of HIV destruction
M Babincová, P Sourivong, P Babinec
Medical hypotheses 55 (5), 450-451, 2000
Stochastic resonance in the Weidlich model of public opinion formation
P Babinec
Physics Letters A 225 (1-3), 179-181, 1997
Diabetes in people, cats, and dogs: biomedicine and manifold ontologies
M Rock, P Babinec
Medical Anthropology 27 (4), 324-352, 2008
Principles of magnetodynamic chemotherapy
M Babincova, D Leszczynska, P Sourivong, P Babinec, J Leszczynski
Medical hypotheses 62 (3), 375-377, 2004
Computational Chemistry. Reviews of Current Trends
I Hubač, J Mášik, P Mach, J Urban, P Babinec, J Leszczynski
World Scientific, Singapore 3, 1-48, 1999
Controlled drug delivery using magnetoliposomes
M Babincová, P Babinec
Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters 2, 3-8, 1997
Computational analysis of magnetic field induced deposition of magnetic particles in lung alveolus in comparison to deposition produced with viscous drag and gravitational force
A Krafcik, P Babinec, I Frollo
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 380, 46-53, 2015
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Articles 1–20