Sung-Hee Kim
Sung-Hee Kim
Dong-eui University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
VLAT: Development of a Visualization Literacy Assessment Test
S Lee, SH Kim, BC Kwon
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 23 (1), 551-560, 2016
How do people make sense of unfamiliar visualizations?: A grounded model of novice's information visualization sensemaking
S Lee, SH Kim, YH Hung, H Lam, Y Kang, JS Yi
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 22 (1), 499-508, 2015
Personas in online health communities
J Huh, BC Kwon, SH Kim, S Lee, J Choo, J Kim, MJ Choi, JS Yi
Journal of biomedical informatics 63, 212-225, 2016
Does an eye tracker tell the truth about visualizations?: Findings while investigating visualizations for decision making
SH Kim, Z Dong, H Xian, B Upatising, JS Yi
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 18 (12), 2421-2430, 2012
Towards a taxonomy for evaluating user engagement in information visualization
N Mahyar, SH Kim, BC Kwon
Workshop on Personal Visualization: Exploring Everyday Life 3 (2), 4, 2015
VisOHC: Designing visual analytics for online health communities
BC Kwon, SH Kim, S Lee, J Choo, J Huh, JS Yi
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 22 (1), 71-80, 2015
Do people really experience information overload while reading online reviews?
BC Kwon, SH Kim, T Duket, A Catalán, JS Yi
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 31 (12), 959-973, 2015
The correlation between users’ cognitive characteristics and visualization literacy
S Lee, BC Kwon, J Yang, BC Lee, SH Kim
Applied Sciences 9 (3), 488, 2019
How to filter out random clickers in a crowdsourcing-based study?
SH Kim, H Yun, JS Yi
Proceedings of the 2012 beliv workshop: Beyond time and errors-novel …, 2012
Toward predicting social support needs in online health social networks
MJ Choi, SH Kim, S Lee, BC Kwon, JS Yi, J Choo, J Huh
Journal of medical Internet research 19 (8), e272, 2017
Interruption cost evaluation by cognitive workload and task performance in interruption coordination modes for human–computer interaction tasks
BC Lee, K Chung, SH Kim
Applied Sciences 8 (10), 1780, 2018
How Are Wearable Activity Trackers Adopted in Older Adults? Comparison between Subjective Adoption Attitudes and Physical Activity Performance
BC Lee, J Xie, T Ajisafe, SH Kim
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (10), 2020
A Comparative Study of Three Sorting Techniques in Performing Cognitive Tasks on a Tabular Representation
I Hur, SH Kim, A Samak, JS Yi
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2012
Linear programming models: identifying common errors in engineering students’ work with complex word problems
R Kenney, T An, SH Kim, NA Uhan, JS Yi, A Shamsul
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 18, 635-655, 2020
A systematic review on visualizations for self-generated health data for daily activities
SH Kim
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (18), 11166, 2022
An experimental study of the decision process with interactive technology
A Samek, I Hur, SH Kim, JS Yi
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 130, 20-32, 2016
Impacts of Visualizations on Decoy Effects
Y Jeong, S Oh, Y Kang, SH Kim
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (23), 2021
Effects of Frontal Theta Rhythms in a Prior Resting State on the Subsequent Motor Imagery Brain-Computer Interface Performance
JH Kang, J Youn, SH Kim, J Kim
Frontiers in Neuroscience 15, 2021
POETIC: Interactive solutions to alleviate the reversal error in student–professor type problems
SH Kim, D Phang, T An, JS Yi, R Kenney, NA Uhan
International journal of human-computer studies 72 (1), 12-22, 2014
Investigating the Efficacy of Crowdsourcing on Evaluating Visual Decision Supporting System
SH Kim, S Li, JS Yi
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 55 (1 …, 2011
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