Anthony Leonard
Anthony Leonard
Boundary and Pedestal Physics Manager, DIII-D National Fusion Facility, General Atomics
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Cited by
Power and particle control
A Loarte, B Lipschultz, AS Kukushkin, GF Matthews, PC Stangeby, ...
Nuclear Fusion 47 (6), S203, 2007
Edge localized modes and the pedestal: A model based on coupled peeling–ballooning modes
PB Snyder, HR Wilson, JR Ferron, LL Lao, AW Leonard, TH Osborne, ...
Physics of Plasmas 9 (5), 2037-2043, 2002
Progress in the ITER physics basis-Chapter 1: overview and summary
M Shimada, DJ Campbell, V Mukhovatov, M Fujiwara, N Kirneva, ...
Nuclear Fusion 47 (6), S1-S17, 2007
Edge stability and transport control with resonant magnetic perturbations in collisionless tokamak plasmas
TE Evans, RA Moyer, KH Burrell, ME Fenstermacher, I Joseph, ...
nature physics 2 (6), 419-423, 2006
Scaling of the tokamak near the scrape-off layer H-mode power width and implications for ITER
T Eich, AW Leonard, RA Pitts, W Fundamenski, RJ Goldston, TK Gray, ...
Nuclear fusion 53 (9), 093031, 2013
Characteristics of type I ELM energy and particle losses in existing devices and their extrapolation to ITER
A Loarte, G Saibene, R Sartori, D Campbell, M Becoulet, L Horton, T Eich, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 45 (9), 1549, 2003
A first-principles predictive model of the pedestal height and width: development, testing and ITER optimization with the EPED model
PB Snyder, RJ Groebner, JW Hughes, TH Osborne, M Beurskens, ...
Nuclear Fusion 51 (10), 103016, 2011
RMP ELM suppression in DIII-D plasmas with ITER similar shapes and collisionalities
TE Evans, ME Fenstermacher, RA Moyer, TH Osborne, JG Watkins, ...
Nuclear fusion 48 (2), 024002, 2008
Transport by intermittent convection in the boundary of the DIII-D tokamak
JA Boedo, D Rudakov, R Moyer, S Krasheninnikov, D Whyte, G McKee, ...
Physics of Plasmas 8 (11), 4826-4833, 2001
Development and validation of a predictive model for the pedestal height
PB Snyder, RJ Groebner, AW Leonard, TH Osborne, HR Wilson
Physics of Plasmas 16 (5), 2009
Transport by intermittency in the boundary of the DIII-D tokamak
JA Boedo, DL Rudakov, RA Moyer, GR McKee, RJ Colchin, MJ Schaffer, ...
Physics of Plasmas 10 (5), 1670-1677, 2003
Edge-localized-modes in tokamaks
AW Leonard
Physics of Plasmas 21 (9), 2014
Stability and dynamics of the edge pedestal in the low collisionality regime: physics mechanisms for steady-state ELM-free operation
PB Snyder, KH Burrell, HR Wilson, MS Chu, ME Fenstermacher, ...
Nuclear Fusion 47 (8), 961, 2007
Pedestal stability comparison and ITER pedestal prediction
PB Snyder, N Aiba, M Beurskens, RJ Groebner, LD Horton, AE Hubbard, ...
Nuclear Fusion 49 (8), 085035, 2009
ELMs and constraints on the H-mode pedestal: peeling–ballooning stability calculation and comparison with experiment
PB Snyder, HR Wilson, JR Ferron, LL Lao, AW Leonard, D Mossessian, ...
Nuclear fusion 44 (2), 320, 2004
Fluctuation-driven transport in the DIII-D boundary
DL Rudakov, JA Boedo, RA Moyer, S Krasheninnikov, AW Leonard, ...
Plasma physics and controlled fusion 44 (6), 717, 2002
Overview and summary
M Shimada, DJ Campbell, V Mukhovatov, M Fujiwara, N Kirneva, ...
Nuclear Fusion 47 (6), S1, 2007
The EPED pedestal model and edge localized mode-suppressed regimes: studies of quiescent H-mode and development of a model for edge localized mode suppression via resonant …
PB Snyder, TH Osborne, KH Burrell, RJ Groebner, AW Leonard, ...
Physics of plasmas 19 (5), 2012
Plasma–surface interaction, scrape-off layer and divertor physics: implications for ITER
B Lipschultz, X Bonnin, G Counsell, A Kallenbach, A Kukushkin, K Krieger, ...
Nuclear Fusion 47 (9), 1189, 2007
Plasma detachment in divertor tokamaks
AW Leonard
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 60 (4), 044001, 2018
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Articles 1–20