Ari Rabkin
Ari Rabkin
Cloudera, inc
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A view of cloud computing
M Armbrust, A Fox, R Griffith, AD Joseph, R Katz, A Konwinski, G Lee, ...
Communications of the ACM 53 (4), 50-58, 2010
Personal knowledge questions for fallback authentication: Security questions in the era of Facebook
A Rabkin
Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, 13-23, 2008
Empirical analysis of programming language adoption
LA Meyerovich, AS Rabkin
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Object …, 2013
Aggregation and Degradation in {JetStream}: Streaming Analytics in the Wide Area
A Rabkin, M Arye, S Sen, VS Pai, MJ Freedman
11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2014
Chukwa, a large-scale monitoring system
J Boulon, A Konwinski, R Qi, A Rabkin, E Yang, M Yang
Proceedings of CCA 8, 1-5, 2008
Chukwa: a system for reliable {Large-Scale} log collection
A Rabkin, R Katz
24th Large Installation System Administration conference (LISA 10), 2010
Static extraction of program configuration options
A Rabkin, R Katz
Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2011
How hadoop clusters break
A Rabkin, RH Katz
IEEE software 30 (4), 88-94, 2012
Precomputing possible configuration error diagnoses
A Rabkin, R Katz
2011 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software …, 2011
Socio-PLT: Principles for programming language adoption
LA Meyerovich, AS Rabkin
Proceedings of the ACM international symposium on New ideas, new paradigms …, 2012
Experiences teaching MapReduce in the cloud
AS Rabkin, C Reiss, R Katz, D Patterson
Proceedings of the 43rd ACM technical symposium on Computer Science …, 2012
Above the clouds: A berkeley view of cloud computing
A Konwinski, G Lee, DA Patterson, A Rabkin, I Stoica, M Zaharia
University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep, 2009
Making Every Bit Count in {Wide-Area} Analytics
A Rabkin, M Arye, S Sen, V Pai, MJ Freedman
14th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS XIV), 2013
Navigating Conflicts in Cyberspace: Legal Lessons from the History of War at Sea
J Rabkin, A Rabkin
Chi. J. Int'l L. 14, 197, 2013
A graphical representation for identifier structure in logs
A Rabkin, W Xu, A Wildani, A Fox, D Patterson, R Katz
Workshop on Managing Systems via Log Analysis and Machine Learning …, 2010
Using program analysis to reduce misconfiguration in open source systems software
AS Rabkin
University of California, Berkeley, 2012
Using clouds for MapReduce measurement assignments
A Rabkin, C Reiss, R Katz, D Patterson
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 13 (1), 1-18, 2013
Above the clouds: A Berkeley view of cloud computing (February 2009)
M Armbrust, A Fox, R Griffith, AD Joseph, RH Katz, A Konwinski, G Lee, ...
URL https://www. eecs. berkeley. edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2009/EECS-2009-28. pdf, 2009
How not to survey developers and repositories: experiences analyzing language adoption
LA Meyerovich, A Rabkin
Proceedings of the ACM 4th annual workshop on Evaluation and usability of …, 2012
A view of cloud computing
D Anthony, R Katz, A Konwinski, LEE Gunho, D Patterson, A Rabkin
Commun. ACM 53 (4), 50, 2010
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Articles 1–20