George A Tsihrintzis
Performance of optimum and suboptimum receivers in the presence of impulsive noise modeled as an alpha-stable process
GA Tsihrintzis, CL Nikias
IEEE Transactions on communications 43 (2/3/4), 904-914, 1995
Fast estimation of the parameters of alpha-stable impulsive interference
GA Tsihrintzis, CL Nikias
IEEE transactions on signal processing 44 (6), 1492-1503, 1996
UWB radar detection of targets in foliage using alpha-stable clutter models
R Kapoor, A Banerjee, GA Tsihrintzis, N Nandhakumar
IEEE Transactions on aerospace and electronic systems 35 (3), 819-834, 1999
Evaluation of fractional, lower-order statistics-based detection algorithms on real radar sea-clutter data
GA Tsihrintzis, CL Nikias
IEE Proceedings-Radar, Sonar and Navigation 144 (1), 29-37, 1997
Machine learning paradigms
AS Lampropoulos, GA Tsihrintzis
Applications in recommender systems. Switzerland: Springer International …, 2015
Maximum likelihood estimation of object location in diffraction tomography
AJ Devaney, GA Tsihrintzis
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 39 (3), 672-682, 1991
Incorporating environmental and social considerations into the portfolio optimization process
K Liagkouras, K Metaxiotis, G Tsihrintzis
Annals of Operations Research, 1-26, 2022
FoDRA—A new content-based job recommendation algorithm for job seeking and recruiting
ND Almalis, GA Tsihrintzis, N Karagiannis, AD Strati
2015 6th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and …, 2015
A cascade-hybrid music recommender system for mobile services based on musical genre classification and personality diagnosis
AS Lampropoulos, PS Lampropoulou, GA Tsihrintzis
Multimedia Tools and Applications 59, 241-258, 2012
Incoherent receivers in alpha-stable impulsive noise
GA Tsihrintzis, CL Nikias
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 43 (9), 2225-2229, 1995
Higher-order (nonlinear) diffraction tomography: reconstruction algorithms and computer simulation
GA Tsihrintzis, AJ Devaney
IEEE transactions on image processing 9 (9), 1560-1572, 2000
Machine learning paradigms: advances in learning analytics
M Virvou, E Alepis, GA Tsihrintzis, LC Jain
Machine learning paradigms: Advances in learning analytics, 1-5, 2020
Higher order (nonlinear) diffraction tomography: Inversion of the Rytov series
GA Tsihrintzis, AJ Devaney
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46 (5), 1748-1761, 2000
Towards improving visual-facial emotion recognition through use of complementary keyboard-stroke pattern information
GA Tsihrintzis, M Virvou, E Alepis, IO Stathopoulou
Fifth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations …, 2008
On assisting a visual-facial affect recognition system with keyboard-stroke pattern information
IO Stathopoulou, E Alepis, GA Tsihrintzis, M Virvou
Knowledge-Based Systems 23 (4), 350-356, 2010
MUSIPER: a system for modeling music similarity perception based on objective feature subset selection
DN Sotiropoulos, AS Lampropoulos, GA Tsihrintzis
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 18, 315-348, 2008
A content based approach for recommending personnel for job positions
ND Almalis, GA Tsihrintzis, N Karagiannis
IISA 2014, The 5th International Conference on Information, Intelligence …, 2014
Data-adaptive algorithms for signal detection in sub-Gaussian impulsive interference
GA Tsihrintzis, CL Nikias
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 45 (7), 1873-1878, 1997
Maximum likelihood estimation of object location in diffraction tomography. II. Strongly scattering objects
GA Tsihrintzis, AJ Devaney
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 39 (6), 1466-1470, 1991
Machine learning paradigms: Advances in data analytics
GA Tsihrintzis, DN Sotiropoulos, LC Jain
Machine Learning Paradigms: Advances in Data Analytics, 1-4, 2019
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