Daniel Yohannes
Daniel Yohannes
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Characterization of HYPRES'4.5 kA/cm/sup 2/& 8 kA/cm/sup 2/Nb/AlO/sub x//Nb fabrication processes
D Yohannes, S Sarwana, SK Tolpygo, A Sahu, YA Polyakov, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 15 (2), 90-93, 2005
20 Process Development for Superconducting Integrated Circuits With 80 GHz Clock Frequency
SK Tolpygo, D Yohannes, RT Hunt, JA Vivalda, D Donnelly, D Amparo, ...
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 17 (2), 946-951, 2007
System and method for providing multi-conductive layer metallic interconnects for superconducting integrated circuits
SK Tolpygo, D Amparo, R Hunt, J Vivalda, D Yohannes
US Patent 8,437,818, 2013
Cryogenic memory architecture integrating spin Hall effect based magnetic memory and superconductive cryotron devices
MH Nguyen, GJ Ribeill, MV Gustafsson, S Shi, SV Aradhya, AP Wagner, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 248, 2020
ERSFQ 8-bit parallel adders as a process benchmark
AF Kirichenko, IV Vernik, JA Vivalda, RT Hunt, DT Yohannes
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 25 (3), 1-5, 2014
System and method for providing multi-conductive layer metallic interconnects for superconducting integrated circuits
SK Tolpygo, D Amparo, R Hunt, J Vivalda, D Yohannes
US Patent 8,301,214, 2012
Parametric testing of HYPRES superconducting integrated circuit fabrication processes
D Yohannes, A Kirichenko, S Sarwana, SK Tolpygo
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 17 (2), 181-186, 2007
Planarized, extendible, multilayer fabrication process for superconducting electronics
DT Yohannes, RT Hunt, JA Vivalda, D Amparo, A Cohen, IV Vernik, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 25 (3), 1-5, 2014
Method for increasing the integration level of superconducting electronics circuits, and a resulting circuit
D Yohannes, AF Kirichenko, J Vivalda, R Hunt
US Patent 9,741,918, 2017
Superconductor digital receiver components
A Kirichenko, S Sarwana, D Gupta, D Yohannes
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 15 (2), 249-254, 2005
Plasma process-induced damage to Josephson tunnel junctions in superconducting integrated circuits
SK Tolpygo, D Amparo, A Kirichenko, D Yohannes
Superconductor Science and Technology 20 (11), S341, 2007
Characterization of transition edge sensors for the Simons observatory
JR Stevens, NF Cothard, EM Vavagiakis, A Ali, K Arnold, JE Austermann, ...
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 199, 672-680, 2020
Diffusion stop-layers for superconducting integrated circuits and qubits with Nb-based Josephson junctions
SK Tolpygo, D Amparo, RT Hunt, JA Vivalda, DT Yohannes
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 21 (3), 119-125, 2010
Process-Induced Variability ofJunctions in Superconductor IntegratedCircuits and Protection Against It
SK Tolpygo, D Amparo, DT Yohannes, M Meckbach, AF Kirichenko
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 19 (3), 135-139, 2009
Development toward high-speed integrated circuits and SQUID qubits with Nb/AlO/sub x//Nb Josephson junctions
W Chen, V Patel, SK Tolpygo, D Yohannes, S Pottorf, JE Lukens
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 13 (2), 103-106, 2003
Multi- (Josephson Critical Current Density) Process for Superconductor Integrated Circuits
DT Yohannes, A Inamdar, SK Tolpygo
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 19 (3), 149-153, 2009
Subgap Leakage in - Josephson Junctions and Run-to-Run Reproducibility: Effects of Oxidation Chamber and Film Stress
SK Tolpygo, DJC Amparo, RT Hunt, JA Vivalda, DT Yohannes
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 23 (3), 1100305-1100305, 2012
System and method for providing multi-conductive layer metallic interconnects for superconducting integrated circuits
SK Tolpygo, D Amparo, R Hunt, J Vivalda, D Yohannes
US Patent 9,130,116, 2015
Critical current gain in high-jc superconducting-ferromagnetic transistors
IP Nevirkovets, SE Shafraniuk, O Chernyashevskyy, DT Yohannes, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 26 (8), 1-7, 2016
Commercially fabricated antenna-coupled transition edge sensor bolometer detectors for next-generation cosmic microwave background polarimetry experiment
A Suzuki, N Cothard, AT Lee, MD Niemack, C Raum, M Renzullo, T Sasse, ...
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 199, 1158-1166, 2020
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Articles 1–20