Haoyu S. Yu
Cited by
Cited by
MN15: A Kohn–Sham global-hybrid exchange–correlation density functional with broad accuracy for multi-reference and single-reference systems and noncovalent interactions
HS Yu, X He, SL Li, DG Truhlar
Chemical Science 7, 5032-5051, 2016
MN15-L: A new local exchange-correlation functional for Kohn–Sham density functional theory with broad accuracy for atoms, molecules, and solids
HS Yu, X He, DG Truhlar
Journal of chemical theory and computation 12 (3), 1280-1293, 2016
Perspective: Kohn-Sham Density Functional Theory Descending a Staircase
HS Yu, SL Li, DG Truhlar
Journal of Chemical Physics 145 (13), 130901(1-23), 2016
Revised M06-L functional for improved accuracy on chemical reaction barrier heights, noncovalent interactions, and solid-state physics
XH Y. Wang, X. Jin, HS. Yu, DG. Truhlar
PNAS, 2017
Water 26-mers drawn from bulk simulations: Benchmark binding energies for unprecedentedly large water clusters and assessment of the electrostatically embedded three-body and …
J Friedrich, H Yu, HR Leverentz, P Bai, JI Siepmann, DG Truhlar
The journal of physical chemistry letters 5 (4), 666-670, 2014
Accurate and Reliable Prediction of the Binding Affinities of Macrocycles to Their Protein Targets
LW HS Yu, D Yu, Y Wu, D Sindhikara, AR Rask, T Kimura, R Abel
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2017
On the Upper Limits of Oxidation States in Chemistry
JLI Shu-Xian HU,† Wan-Lu LI,† Jun-Bo LU, Junwei Lucas BAO, Haoyu S. YU ...
Angewandte Chemie,, 2018
Rigorous free energy perturbation approach to estimating relative binding affinities between ligands with multiple protonation and tautomeric states
C De Oliveira, HS Yu, W Chen, R Abel, L Wang
Journal of chemical theory and computation 15 (1), 424-435, 2018
Weighted Averaging Scheme and Local Atomic Descriptor for pKa Prediction Based on Density Functional Theory
HS Yu, MA Watson, AD Bochevarov
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 58 (2), 271-286, 2018
MN-GFM, version 6.6: Minnesota Gaussian Functional Module
Y Zhao, R Peverati, Y Ke, HS Yu, H Xiao, DG Truhlar
Minnesota Gaussian Functional Module, version 6.6 is a module for …, 2016
Components of the bond energy in polar diatomic molecules, radicals, and ions formed by group-1 and group-2 metal atoms
H Yu, DG Truhlar
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 11 (7), 2968-2983, 2015
MN15: A Kohn-Sham global-hybrid exchange-correlation density functional with broad accuracy for multi-reference and single-reference systems and noncovalent interactions (vol 7 …
HS Yu, X He, SL Li, DG Truhlar
Chemical Science 7 (9), 6278-6279, 2016
Oxidation State 10 Exists
HS Yu, DG Truhlar
Angewandte Chemie 55, 1-4, 2016
Toward atomistic modeling of irreversible covalent inhibitor binding kinetics
HS Yu, C Gao, D Lupyan, Y Wu, T Kimura, C Wu, L Jacobson, E Harder, ...
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 59 (9), 3955-3967, 2019
General theory of fragment linking in molecular design: why fragment linking rarely succeeds and how to improve outcomes
HS Yu, K Modugula, O Ichihara, K Kramschuster, S Keng, R Abel, L Wang
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 17 (1), 450-462, 2020
Quantum chemical pKa prediction for complex organic molecules
ADB DM Philipp, MA Watson, HS Yu, TB Steinbrecher
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2017
Density Functional Theory of the Water Splitting Reaction on Fe(0): Comparison of Local and Nonlocal Correlation Functionals
DGT JL Bao, HS Yu, K Duanmu, MA Makeev, X Xu
ACS Catalysis 5 (4), 2070-2080, 2015
Computational Thermochemistry: Automated Generation of Scale Factors for Vibrational Frequencies Calculated by Electronic Structure Model Chemistries
HS Yu, LJ Fiedler, IM Alecu, DG Truhlar
Computer Physics Communications 210, 132-138, 2017
Calcium Vapor Adsorption on the Metal−Organic Framework NU- 1000: Structure and Energetics
OKF James M. Lownsbury, Iván A. Santos-López, Wei Zhang, Charles T. Campbell ...
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (30), 16850-16862, 2016
What Dominates the Error in the CaO Diatomic Bond Energy Predicted by Various Approximate Exchange–Correlation Functionals?
H Yu, DG Truhlar
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 10 (6), 2291-2305, 2014
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Articles 1–20