Gert Jan Veldwisch
Gert Jan Veldwisch
Associate Professor Water, Society and Technology at Wageningen University
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Cited by
Water grabbing? Focus on the (re) appropriation of finite water resources.
L Mehta, GJ Veldwisch, J Franco
African farmer-led irrigation development: re-framing agricultural policy and investment?
P Woodhouse, GJ Veldwisch, JP Venot, D Brockington, H Komakech, ...
The Journal of Peasant Studies 44 (1), 213-233, 2017
The global politics of water grabbing
J Franco, L Mehta, GJ Veldwisch
Third World Quarterly 34 (9), 1651-1675, 2013
Cotton, rice & water: the transformation of agrarian relations, irrigation technology and water distribution in Khorezm, Uzbekistan
GJA Veldwisch
Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2008
Riverhood: Political ecologies of socionature commoning and translocal struggles for water justice
R Boelens, A Escobar, K Bakker, L Hommes, E Swyngedouw, ...
The Journal of Peasant Studies 50 (3), 1125-1156, 2023
Contesting rural resources: Emerging ‘forms’ of agrarian production in Uzbekistan
GJ Veldwisch, M Spoor
The Journal of Peasant Studies 35 (3), 424-451, 2008
Rural–urban water struggles: Urbanizing hydrosocial territories and evolving connections, discourses and identities
L Hommes, R Boelens, LM Harris, GJ Veldwisch
Water International 44 (2), 81-94, 2019
Neither modern nor traditional: Farmer-led irrigation development in Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania
C de Bont, HC Komakech, GJ Veldwisch
World Development 116, 15-27, 2019
Environmental justice movements in globalising networks: A critical discussion on social resistance against large dams
E Shah, J Vos, GJ Veldwisch, R Boelens, B Duarte-Abadía
The Journal of Peasant Studies 48 (5), 1008-1032, 2021
Sand in the engine: The travails of an irrigated rice scheme in Bwanje Valley, Malawi
GJ Veldwisch, A Bolding, P Wester
The Journal of Development Studies 45 (2), 197-226, 2009
The conundrum of conservation agriculture and livelihoods in Southern Africa
P Nkala, NAR Mango, M Corbeels, GJA Veldwisch, EJ Huising
Smallholder irrigators, water rights and investments in agriculture: Three cases from rural Mozambique
GJA Veldwisch, PW Beekman, JA Bolding
Water Alternatives 6 (1), 125-141, 2013
Identifying the potential for irrigation development in Mozambique: Capitalizing on the drivers behind farmer-led irrigation expansion
W Beekman, GJ Veldwisch, A Bolding
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 76, 54-63, 2014
Re-introducing politics in African farmer-led irrigation development: Introduction to a Special Issue
GJ Veldwisch, JP Venot, P Woodhouse, H Komakech, D Brockington
Water Alternatives 12 (1), 1-12, 2019
The UN world water development report 2016, water and jobs: A critical review
E Shah, J Liebrand, J Vos, GJ Veldwisch, R Boelens
Development and Change 49 (2), 678-691, 2018
Lost in transition? The introduction of water users associations in Uzbekistan
GJA Veldwisch, PP Mollinga
Water International 38 (6), 758-773, 2013
Contract farming and the reorganisation of agricultural production within the Chókwè Irrigation System, Mozambique
GJ Veldwisch
The Journal of Peasant Studies 42 (5), 1003-1028, 2015
Changing patterns of water distribution under the influence of land reforms and simultaneous WUA establishment: Two cases from Khorezm, Uzbekistan
GJ Veldwisch
Irrigation and drainage systems 21 (3), 265-276, 2007
Dehkans, Diversification and Dependencies: Rural Transformation in Post‐Soviet Uzbekistan
GJA Veldwisch, BB Bock
Journal of Agrarian Change 11 (4), 581-597, 2011
The Farmer-led Irrigation Development Guide: A what, why and how-to for intervention design.
G Izzi, J Denison, GJ Veldwisch
Washington, DC: World Bank, 2021
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Articles 1–20